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Boby Bryar cause of death: What did the former My Chemical Romance drummer die of at 44?

Bob Bryar ex drummer of group  My Chemical Romance has found dead at his home in Tennessee at age of 44 Animal Control officials found his body when they visited his home.

The musician body was in advanced state of decomposition.

Officers have so far ruled out a violent death as cause of his death.

Boby Bryar was main figure for My Chemical Romance.His drumming marked the band style for multiple years and triumphed with album The Black Parade in 2006 one of group album famous.

Leaving the band Bryar went on to work with groups he distance himself from music industry ultimately.

Bob Bryar was longest serving drummer in group he joined band in 2004 replacing Matt Pellissier.

The musician confessed to having suicidal thoughts after leaving My Chemical Romance.

Police have mentioned any time drummer decided to take his own life.

Authorities have found no symbol of violence in his home and all his belongings are still in safe place.

Doctors are analyzing the evidence investigating what happen to establish official version.

The last time Bob Bryar was seen alive was on November 4.

It is possibility that former My Chemical Romance drummer had been dead in his home for past multiple days.

There is no wrong play suspected we are told because all of Bryar weapons and music equipment in home were left untouched

Animal control came to house after body which we are told was badly decomposed was discovered and took two dogs away.

The medical examiner is investigating cause and manner of Bryar death.

Bryar first met My Chemical Romance crew while they were on tour with The Used in 2004 and replace Matt Pelissier after released their album

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.

Lawsuit accuses Alfie Oakes failing to pay $2.8 million in loans

Law enforcement raided his North Naples home and packaging plant in Immokalee Thursday morning.

Lawsuit accuses to Table owner Alfie Oakes of failing to pay millions  in loans.

Oakes is conservative political influencer and owner of Oakes Farm and Seed to Table supermarket.

He born in Delaware and grew up in Southwest Florida.

He held position of Collier County Republican State Committeeman.

The lawsuit filed in  October claims Oakes took out two loans totaling about $4.5 million from Farm Credit of Florida a Farm Credit Association.

Oct 9 Oakes is accused of owing about $2.8 million to company.

Florida Highway Patrol and the IRS at Oakes home along  Santa Cruz in Villages of Monterey community in North Naple Thursday official wearing blue gloves were look in and out of his home computer and carrying boxes.

The lawsuit added that if Oakes did not pay by Aug 30, 2024 Florida Farm Credit had right to seize Oakes property.

Federal agents the Defense Criminal Investigative Service were seen at agricultural packing plant in Immokalle.

The DCIS investigate cases of fraud bribery and corruption cyber crimes computer intrusions.

Harry Potter: Diese Buch-Figuren wurden in den Filmen eiskalt ignorient

Bis Weihnachten gibt es wochentlich wieder die “Harry Potter” File zu sehen.

Im spatherbst beginnt wieder die wochentliche Ausstrahlung der Harry Potter Filme im Free TV.

Die von HBO Max geplante Harry Potter serie interpretiert den be berühmten Film neu.

Es bietet die Moglichkeit komptetter Adaptionen die auch die auch die Handlungsstrange und beliebten Nebencharaktere aus den Buchren beinhalten.

Zahlreiche Fans der Harry Potter Romane lieben die Warner Bros Filme und sehen Schaupieler wie Maggie smith und Alan Rickman, wenn sie die Bucher noch einmal lesen.

Doch die Bucher und Filme unterscheiden sich in vielerlei Hinsicht und je umfangreicher die Romane wurden desto mehr mussten sie fur den Film gekurzt und verandert werden.

Die Abenteuer von Harry Potter waren zwar fur die grobe Leinwand gedacht erreichten aber am Ende eine beachtliche zeit vor allem fur Kinderfilms.

In der Welt der Serien spielt die Laufzeit allerdings eine untergeordnete Rolle, da zehn Stunden pro Staffel keine Seltenheit sind.

Wir zeigen Ihnen Charaktere die Potterheads aus den Buchern Kennen und in den Filmen vermissen.

Charlie Weasley

Charlie Weasley wurde in den Harry Potter Filmen mehrfach erwähnt aber wir sahen ihn nur auf einem Weasley Familienfoto.

Selbst in den Büchern spielte Charlie keine Rolle, aber er ist dennoch wichtig fur Ron Wachstum.


Der Poltergeist Peeves ist in den Harry Potter Buchern ein standiger Storenfried in hogwarts

Mit seinen Streichen verärgert er Schüler und Lehrer, Fehlverhalten von anderen wurde von Peeves hingegen sofort verpetzt.

Fur den ersten Potter Film Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen wurden sogar szenen mit Peeves getrennt die jedoch aus dem fertigen Film entfernt wurden.

Gehort Peeves einfach zu Hogwarts dazu und erfreut zurzeit Spieler in Hongwarts Legacy

In der HBo-Serie durfte mehr als genug Zeit verfugbar sein um Peeves Schabernack eine Buhne zu  bieten.

stunt double harry potter

harry porter

Barbie Star Margot Robbie ist Mutter geworden

Es soll scholl einige Tage her sein: Schaunspielerin Margot Robbie ist Mutter geworden.

Berichten zufolge dargf sich das Paar uber einen Sohn freuen.

Allen Beteiligten geht es gut der Vater wird schon beim Baby Shopping gesichtet.

Das Paar lernte sich 2014 wahrend der Arbeit an Suit Francaise Kennen, wo er als Regieassistnet fungierte und sie vor der Kamera stand.

lhre Beziehung Knupften sie als sie in eine Vier Zimmer WG in Clapham im suden Londons zogen.

Die Schauspielerin bezeichnete diese zeit als die besten Tage meines Lebens.

Im Jahr 2016 war das Paar verheiratet.

Margot Robbies Schwangerschaft wird im Juli bekannt gegeben.

Im August verbrachte das Paar eine romantische Babymoon auf sardinien Italien.

Der letzte Auftritt der werdenden Mutter auf dem roten Teppich fand am 9.

September statt als sie der Vorführung der von ihr und ihrem Partner produzierten Komodie My old Ass beiwohnte

birds of prey

margot robbie daughter

Medienberichten zufolge ist Barbie star Margot Robbie Mutter geworden.

Sie gebar einen Jungen. Es ist das erste kind und ihr Ehemann, der britische Film Filmproduzent Tom Ackerley.

Wie die Mail on Sunday berichtete liegt die Geburt schon ein paar Tage zuruck Die Wehen setzen bereits vor zwei Wochen ein Kurz vor dem Geburtstermin und alles ist gut.

birds of prey

margot robbie daughter

Kurz vor US-Wahl Harris liegt im traditionell republikanischen lowa vor Trump

Kurz vor de US-Prasidentschaftswahl sorgt eine neue Umfarge fer Aufsehen: Kamala Harris liegt im Bundesstat lowa vor irhem Konkurrenten Donald Trump.

lowa gilt als konservativer Staat. In einer Umfrage Vom 5 November liegt der Demokrat dort an der Spitze

Bei der Befragung der Regionalzeitung Des Moines Register in Zusammenarbeit mit Mediacom lowa Poll under dem Meinungsforschungsinstitut Selzer & Company haben 47 Prozent der befragten wahrscheinlichen Wahlerinnen und Wahler angegeben  fur Harris Stimmen zu wollen 44 prozent wurden ihre Stimme Trump geben.

Harris Vorsprung liegt im Bereich der Fehlertoleranz von 3.4 Prozentpunken.

Eine Umfrage im September des Des Moines Register sah Trump mit vier Prozentpunkten vor Harris.

Umfragen in den USA sind mid Vorsicht zu genieBen einzelnen Umfragen sollte keine Bedeutung beigemess werden. Sie konnen jedoch einen trend widerspielgen.

Die Website FiverThirtyEight die mehrere Umfragen auswertet und eine Durchaschnitt bildet sieht Trump vor Harris.

Einer andere, ebenfalls am Wochenende veroffentlichte Umfrage sieht Trump in lowa zehn Prozentpunkte vor Harris.

elon petition


Keiner der beiden Kandidaten habe seit dem Ende der Vorwahlen in lowa Wahlkampf gemacht unde keine der beiden Kampagned hat in diesem Budesstaat eine Prasenz vor Ort aufgebaut.

Nationale Umfragen sagen einen harten Kamp zwischen Harris und Trump bei der Wah am Diensteg 5 November voraus.

Lowa gehot dieser Jahr nicht zu den wettbewerbafahigen Staaten,

Soltte Harris hier gewinnen ware das ein Mega Erfolg fur die Demokraten.

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Four Big takeaways from Megan Thee Stallion’s new documentary

Megan Thee Stallion: In Her Words follow the Houston rapper in years after Tory Lanez shot her in foot.
It has been two years since a jury convicted rapper Tory Lanez of shooting Megan Thee Stallion after Los Angeles party in July 2020.
In new documentary Megan Thee Stallion whose real name is Megan Pete is taking the public through years leading up to Lanez December 2022 criminal trial.
The betrayal the constant torture online everything that happened after the shooting definitely made it like a hundred times worse.
In “Megan Thee Stallion In Her Words” the rapper gives detail look at the grief she face after her mother death from brain tumor in 2019 and mental health struggles stemmed from shooting.
The documentary show the first time Megan has unveiled about the shooting and her mental sickness the criminal trial.
The 112 minute movie shows interviews and real time video of Megan over the years from her 2021 graduation from Texas Southern University.
She addressed fans at Los Angeles viewing on Wednesday that she desired to take control of her own narrative.
megan thee age

megan thee movies

Megan explains why she denied being intimate with Lanez

In April 2022  interview Megan described being afraid to tell police about shooting in order to protect mates from police violence the online criticism and claims that she and Lanez had sex relationship.

She told media she and Lanez had not been intimated but said in documentary she had sex with him once maybe twice on drunk night.

In the documentary Megan showed anger about stress on her sexual relationships.

“They have villainized me for being this type of person it started to make me second guess myself” she said sexuall lyrics and public image.

She said she found herself getting wrapped up in focusing on her sex life instead of shooting I m like Wait this is not what this is about.

Megan says she afraid being targeted while performing

In the years leading up to trial Megan face online threats from those who supported Lanez whose real name is Daystar Peterson.

The critics she said were influenced by host of bloggers and social media accounts that cast doubt on Megan account of being shot.

Megan said

“Guys online say “You should have gotten shot in head. He should have finished the job. He should have killed your a You always twerking b you deserved what you got”

Megan filed a lawsuit against Milagro Gramz accusing her of being a mouthpiece and paid surrogate for Lanez during and after high profile criminal trial.

Megan often speak through tears when she details harassment.

Testifying in Court

Megan add she was in good place after mental health retreat but was nervous to testify against Lanez at headline making trial.

Years later Megan has successful albums and arena tour under her belt.

But she said in documentary that she contends with critics who condemn her for speaking out about shooting.

“I need to show up for Megan Pete” she recalled thinking the day of her testimony adding

“Today is not about trying to look strong.Its ok to be sad. I need to stop avoiding it”

A jury convicted Lanez 32 who pleaded not guilty of three felony charges in December attack with semiautomatic firearm carrying loaded unregistered firearm in vehicle and discharging a firearm with gross negligence.

He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

She cried and hugged her staff when she learned of the conviction. To Megan her testimony and the conviction were bigger than her.

NHL extends US cooperation with Federal Credit Union as military appreciation partner

Kentucky Lawmaker Johnnie Turner dies a month after falling into pool on lawn mower

A Kentucky state senator is died a month after he get injuries from lawn mower accident.

Johnnie Turner a Republican who represented a district in eastern Kentucky died  on Tuesday evening after a hard fought battle Kentucky Senate President Stivers add in a statement.

He was 76.

Kentucky State Police reported the mower fell into deep end of empty swimming pool.

Turner was taken to nearby hospital and later flown to University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville.

Turner represented District 29 in eastern Kentucky since 2021 and was state representative from 1999-2002.

Outside of state legislature Turner was attorney and served as medic in the US Army from 1967 to 1969.

Turner injuries occurred on Sept 15 when he falled into deep end of empty pool while on lawn mower official added.

“Over the past weeks his remarkable resolve and strength filled the Turner family and all of us with optimism making this loss difficult to bear”

Stivers wrote

“I will miss my friend, my heart breaks for his wife, Martiza and his children”.

U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell in a statement to the Associated Press recalled run ins with Turner while they were surveying flooding damage in eastern Kentucky.

Johnnie was on scene ankle deep in mud his equipment from home in tow ready to assist folks in Letcher County McConnell said .

“That just who he was a good man who loved the mountains and its people”

Turner was running unopposed for reelection following his opponent withdrawal from the race.

Turner name will still appear on the ballot secretary of state office told the media.

Unless write in candidates file for seat by Friday a special election will be held to fill the seat.

sen. johnnier turner

kentucky state sen. johnnie turner death

Johnnie was one of most fascinating people that I have ever had the privilege of knowing State Sene Phillip Wheeler wrote on social media post.

Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster are ‘In Love’ As she files for divorced from her husband

Sutton Foster and Hugh Jackman have yet to confirm the relationship rumors despite close sources already linking them.

The X Men star has been separated from his spouse Deborra Lee Furness since 2023 after 27 years of wedding.

Sutton Foster Recently File for Divorce from her husband Ted Griffin

The news are circulating after Foster filed for divorce from her husband Griffin on Tuesday in New York County Supreme Court.

The divorce was uncontested meaning the Foster and Griffin are divided over any problem like property sharing, child support and alimony.

They got married in October 2014 in private ceremony in California.

They did not have any kid they adopted one kid.

Jackman has been separated from Deborra Lee Furness.

They released a statement to public.

Jackman has been separated from Deborra Lee Furness. At time of separation they released a statement to public.

“We have been blessed to almost three decades together as husband and wife in a wonderful loving marriage. Our journey now is shifting and we decided to separate to pursue our individual growth”.

Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster Are in a relationship

Jackman and Foster are going strong in their relationship after falling in love.

It is unclear when the two got in relationship that it was around the time they starred on Broadway “The Music Man” .

The insider have shared that pair connection has blossomed deeply and they see themselves going the distance.

They are 100 percent together and are in love and want to spend rest of their lives together.

Jackman nor Foster have their relationship amid rumors.

The couple prefers to keep things under the radar.

Deborra Lee Furness still in love with her Ex-Spouse Hugh Jackman

Furness and Jackman are not in connection she still loves the actor.

The actress finds it very daunting to pursue life without the X Men star by her side.

Leaning into her work has made it easier for Furness and has been her saving grace.

“It has been very daunting to pursue life without Hugh she still loves him though she know what their romance is over”.

“It is very emotion every day. Happy sad mad confuse she purposely tries to forget it is even over whatever makes her feel better at the moment. She is taking it day by day but do not feel too bad for her. She is very strong woman and will get through it”.

The actress added their friendship has deepened since collaboration on Broadway a scenario that she did not expect.

He disarms everyone and he does not make anything about him. He is now become one of my best friends which was surprise because you usually go into these things thinking.

Donald Trump groped me in what felt such a twisted game with Jeffrey Epstein former model alleges

Stacey Williams says the ex president whose spokesperson denied the allegations touched her in undesired sexual method in 1993 after Epstein introduced them.

Smile 2 Happier with $23M opening:Anora with Mega $150K Theatre Average:A24 We Live In Time with $$M+ Saturday Box Office

Paramount $28M production Smile 2 is in shape with a $23m opening after a $9.4M friday and B CinemaScore.

Smile 2 social media reach across Facebook, TikTok X, Instagram,  Youtube counted 154.4M followers per analytics corp Relish Mix before opening with notches ahead of Saw X 134M and The Nun 11 149.8M.

The repost rate on trailers for Smile 2 was 11 to 1 which show this movie was destined for a $20M opening.

smile 2 show times

smile 2 after credits

Paramount Smile franchise is keeping up its staying power as Smile 2 is set to open to $22 million after an $8.8M Friday that include previews.

The pic is booked at 3,610 theaters.

Moving into top five meanwhile is A24 romance drama We Live in Time with around $1.75M today.

$4.3M for weekend and running total of $4.6M by EOD Sunay and 955 theaters.

Dream Works Animation and Universal The Wild Robot would bot break down remaining in second place in Weekend 4 at 3,820 screen with a $2.65M Friday.

$10M three day -29% and total of %101.6M running.

DWA second film after Kung Fu Panda 4 to reach the century mark this year.

Cineverse Terrifier 3 booked at 2,762 screen is looking a second Friday of $2.5M and second weekend between 87.5-$8M -58%.

At the high end the 10 day total is $34.9M.

Presale show high teen for Smile 2 at this weekend domestic box office Paramount seques goes spark.

Smile 2 has all the PLF screen this weekend.

The Imax venues live with Warner Bros Joker Folie a Deux.

Smile 2 is certified fresh with 85% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes and PotTrak exits from fan are at 3 1/2 stars and 71% positive.

Latino and Hispanic fans were strong and 36% with Caucasians showing up at 40%.

Asian Americans at 7$ and Black are 11%.

Smile 2 sequel opens on 3,619 screens. Smile Parker Finn is back for sequel which cost $28M.

The film stars Aladdin Naomi Scott as pop star sees grinning people.

A24 expansion of We Live in Time saw $500,000 last night in past as it moves to 955 theaters this weekend.

The Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh romance drama get a 98% Rotten Tomatoes audience score.

The John Crowley directed title currently counts $820K first weekend in five New York City, Los Angeles Cinema getting $225,900

Smile 2 Ending Explained:Does the New Horror Film Set Up a Smile 3?

Does Smile 2 Have a Post Credits Scene?

There are no post credits or mid scenes in the movie.

Though the closing credits do find Cristobal Tapia de Veer huge score going into a surreal experimental area, overlaying music with screaming and agony.

Does Smile 2 Set up Smile 3?

Skye killed herself in front of thousands of people.

there is lot of chance for who the curse could be inside next, established characters in Smile 2 Like Elizabeth. music exec Darius or Skye assistant Joshua, backup dancer and crew.

smile 2 cast

smile 2 rating

Going back to first movie release Parker Finn has been coy when asked in interviews over witness could carry the curse.

Smile 2 demand that question be answered in Smile 3.

Could we see thousands of people who infected spreading the curse out more and more.

Smile 2 Reviews

Smile 2 picks up right where the first film left off.

First film those with this franchise curse can save themselves if they kill someone in front of witness before curse instead forces them to kill themself in presence of other.

Police Office Joel attempts to pass the curse to dangerous criminal by murdering that guy odious brother in front of him.

It goes wrong and within minutes intended witness is dead after Joel fires back at him. when he is shot at and joel is dead as well hit by car he tries to escape.

the curse has passed to second witness joel did not realize was there during dealer lewis.

Smile 2 Ending Explained

Smile 2 last act takes wild chance leading into final scene that is memorable but raises some question marks about what transpired leading up to it.

At one point terrified vision of all of her backup dancers inside her home attacking her with same haunting smile.

Skye hits her head. She wake up in hospital with mother manager. Elizabeth by her side telling her she suffered a concussion.

Elizabeth reveals she intends for sky to still start her planned tour the next night insisting her daughter has burnt up too much good will and will run her career.

Sky desire nothing to do with trip but argument is halted when Elizabeth start smiling creepily smashes a mirror and proceeds to slice herself up with piece of glass including stabbing herself in eye.

Skye start to run from room only to look down ans see he is one holding

a bloody broken shard of mirror and see her mother dead look murdered by skye herself.

Skye makes a run for it.

When she is intercepted in lobby and people believe the blood she is covered in is hers.

She manage to feign injury in order to gain a security guard pistol holding everyone off.

On street she runs into Gemma who she would reconciled earlier in movie.

Geem not knowing the scenario seeing Skye insistence decide to support her escape.

Skye taking someone vehicle a gunpoint.

In the car skye contacts Morris and ER nurse who had reached out to her having discovered she was suffering the same curse his brother had died from.

Morris thinks a way to stop the curse and entity behind it is for sky to die before cane cause her death.

He believes that even if her death is brief one before Morris amd medically resuscitates her.

The entity will be left without host during that period and Skye will be saved and no one will be cursed.

Skye shocked to see a phone call from Gemma.

Old Pizza Hut Morris has prepared for Skye death in a mega freezer intending to use cold to fend off brain death to keep her dead longer to give mor time for entity to leave.

He has syringe ready to inject her to stop her heart when Morris move away before they start Skye is attacked by vision of herself appearing bloody and injured like she did in aftermath of car crash.

She fights her doppelganger Skye snatch the syringe and inject  herself in neck believing she has beaten the entity suddenly she is not even holding the syringe as doppelganger mocks her.

Everything changes around skye who finds herself dressed in her stage outfit inside the pod she was rehearsing with earlier to start her concert.

She stumbles out of pod and she is now onstage at arena with mega crowd clapping for her.

Amongst the audience is Elizabeth looking uninjured.


The confused Skye then see herself start now standing across from her onstage this time dressed same as she is in her concert dress.

The doppelganger lift her shirt announcing the mega scar from car accident that Skye has on her stomach and then tears the scar open with her hands as version of the massive Monstrocity from Rose saw entity in first film before  she died rips out of the doppelganger and stomps over a Skye.

It pulls her mouth open.

Skye has collapsed on stage as crowd gasps with concern.

She stumble  to her feet and stand up straight with her back to crowd and everyone cheers is rapid recovery until she slowly turns and smile on her face.

We watch crowd reaction as we listen the noise of Skye is doing and its thumps and squishes and then see she has hammered her microphone into her eye  as she drops dead on stage with smile still upon her lips.


Bluesky rise to Top 5 Position in US App Store After Rival X changes How Blocks Work

Bluesky a social media network that is same to Elon Musk X s shot up charts this week.

The social media Bluesky appears to be on its way.

This week the social media platform moved to No 5 on free app section of US App store, above Instagram and TikTok.


On Thursday  Bluesky shared a post revealing that it had welcomed 500,000 people in one day.

Blue Sky is social media platform that share may similarities with X.

X undergone a multiple alteration after Entrepreneur owner Elon Musk purchase the site and retired legacy blue check marks showing verified accounts reinstated reinstated past banned accounts and begin a new subscription program.

X has updated its terms of service so that any lawsuits by users against the service must be handle by federal court in north Texas

“Whos judges frequently deliver victories to conservative litigants in political cases”

On Wednesday X revealed that it was changing its block function which permit people to stop others from seeing their text on site.

Accounts have been blocked can now see that person post on X if posts are set to public they cannot respond like or repost them.

That is no blocking That is supporting stalking.

These latest changes may have ignite rise of joining in Bluesky which saw a climb in user accounts earlier this year when X was blocked by courts in Brazil.

trending on x

why twitter failing

How do I sign up?

Bluesky was invite only initially but its been open to all since February. To join just go to main page to create an account.

You can download the Bluesky app for ios or Android or use Bluesky on desktop.

It will ask for your email address and phone number and tell you to choose a password and username.

Who’s using it?

Here is small list of some of people and groups you will see posting on Bluesky though some post more than others.

  • Author Stephen King
  • God
  • The New York Times
  • Actor Levar Burton
  • Humor site The Onion

How is Bluesky Different?

You cans set your domain as your handle if you wish. This could assist with verification which became a heated issue for Twitter once Musk start removing blue check marks from verified accounts that refused to pay a monthly fee.

Moderation is different.

Bluesky is using automated moderating and working on system of community using automated moderating and working on system of community labeling described as similar to shared mute/block lists.

A pair of features being able to hide replies to your posts and detach your post from other use posts that quote yours are design to stop pile one and toxic behavior.

You can mute account which prevents you from seeing any notifications or top level posts from them or you can block accounts which takes a step further meaning you and other account both cannot view or interact each other post.

You can report post or accounts for abuse.

Users of multiple social media platforms are shown posts from feed selected for them by algorithm though you can influence that by blocking or following some accounts.

Bluesky desire to give you chance to pick from variety of different algorithms to decide what you see.

Algorithms are rules that determine how content is filtered and recommended to users.

Bluesky has something it calls custom feed which allows you to choose algorithm determines what you see.

Developers can use site feed generator starter kit to create custom feed and site promises the tools will be enough that the rest of us can build custom feeds.

It is possible that creators who acquire a following on Bluesky might one day be able to keep connection with those who follow them if they service itself change.


elon musk tweet

Musk reveal that it was high time the change was introduced again negative replies from consumers who show worries about not being able to prevent harassment form bad actors.

Some users have hint ti gaps in upcoming block function saying accounts they have blocked could still harass them publicly by screenshotting and posting about viewable tweets even if they can not engage directly with the tweets.

Bluesky a decentralize social media platform that has attempted to compete X used the backlash from upcoming change to flaunt its own block and anti toxicity features.

It has 10 million users on its platform.

What is the difference between block and mute on X?

While blocking stops users from liking replying to or reposting other user posts and stop involved accounts from following each other.

Blocked users can see they have been blocked by going to a blocker page.

Muting allows users to remove someone else post from their feed without unfollowing or blocking them.

Muting does not stop muted users from sending direct text or engaging with you.

Blocking stop such engagement.

Musk has reveal blocking posts make no sense and needs to be deprecated in favor of stronger form of mute.

Block feature has long been used on social media to stop harassment which has become problem on X.

Musk in future delete the block trait the change could collide with app stores of Apple and Google.

According to media reports the language in their conditions suggest block features are important for social media platforms.

Musk has changed named from Twitter to X.

Musk introduce a multi tier subscription model and loosened content moderation.


James Darren, Teen Idol Actor in Gidget Singer and Director dies at 88

Deep Space Nine and TJ Hooker and a singer and director died Monday at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. He was 88.

He found a new generation of fans in 1988 as Vic Fontaine the holographic lounge singer on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

He is survived by his spouse Evy sons Jim Moret Tony Darren and Christian Darren and five grandchildren.

Darren was a regular on TJ Hooker from 1983 to 1986 and also moved into TV directing working on series consisting Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place.

His son Jim Moret add that he had been able to show his love for his family while being treated in cardiac unit/ He was a good man. He was very talented. He was forever young.

He was born in Philadelphia acting with Stella Adler in New York and was signed to Columbia Pictures where his first role was in Rumble on the Docks. He went on to appear in movies including Operation Mad Ball and Gunmen Walk. He also star in 1959 teen movie Gidget staring Cliff Robertson and Sandra Dee.

The Gidget theme song launched a singer career for Darren who had a gold record with Goodbye Cruel World in 1961 and released at least 14 albums.

He appear in feature films including The Guns of Navarone. The Gene Krupa Story All the Young Men Because They are Young.

He starred in TV Series The Time Tunnel and after a brief sojourn in italy in Jess Franco Venus in Furs.

He performed his role as Moondoggie in Gidget Goes Hawaiian and again in Gidget Goes to Rome though he was tired of the typecasting by then.

Darren mega hit as singe came with Gloria Shayne written Goodbye Cruel World reached No 3 on Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1961.

He get the top 10 again in 1962 with Her Royal Majesty written by Carole King and Gerry Goffin.

In early 70 he sang and played the straight man in lounge act with comic Buddy Hackett.

Darren gained his singing career in late 90 when he appeared on episodes of syndicated series Star Trek Deep Space Nine as the holographic lounge singer Vic Fontaine.

James was born on June 8, 1936 growing up on South 10th Street in South Philadelphia.

George Clooney denies report he and Brad Pitt earned $35 million for new movie:Bad for our industry

Pair Star in Wolfs premiering this weekend at Venice Film Festival.

During a press talk for the movie on Sunday at the Venice Film Festival Clooney mentioned the report to the gathered press.

George Clooney is denying a report about his salary for his new movie with longtime pal Brad Pitt.

“It was an interesting article and whatever her source was for our salary. It is millions and millions and millions of dollars less than what was reported. And I am only saying that because I think it is bad for our industry if that is what people thinks is the standard bearer fro salaries”.

Wolf marks clooney and Pitts first time on screen together in 16 years since 2008.

The film star pair play fixers hired to cover up crimes reluctantly brought together when they are called to same assignment.

Clooney also said that he and Pitt give some portions of their salaries back after a deal for a theatrical release for Wolfs fell through meaning it will get limited release.

He said the current complications of making and selling movies in hollywood.

Ye we wanted it to be released. We had some bumps along the way that happens. When I did  The Boys in The Boat we did it for MGM and then it ended up being for Amazon and we did not get a foreign release at all which was a surprise. There are elements of this that we are  figuring out”.

“You guys are all in this too he said. We are all in this industry and we are trying to find our way post COVID and everything else and there is some bumps along the way.”

George Clooney and Brad Pitt have same roles as veteran crime fixers who are called into same assignment in a humorous craper.

The movie itself never rise to more than a silly self satisfied crime caper but mega stars look as they are enjoying themselves and sense of fun by and large is infectious.

Pregnant Margot Robbie puts baby Bump on Display during vacation with Tom Ackerley

One month after starting her baby bump pregnant Margot Robbie put her growing belly on display in chic ensemble while enjoying holiday with Tom Ackerley husband in Sardinia Ital.

The Barbie star looked chic with her baby bump on display while her and husband for nine years Tom Ackerley snatched lunch with mates in Sardinia Italy on Aug. 26.

The pair are no strangers to showing love for each other in public. Past month the couple kept close while enjoying a romantic sunset boat ride in Lake Como. Italy before moving off to UK where they shared a kiss.

Margot has not unveil publicly about her upcoming bundle of joy, the Wolf of Wall Street actress unveiled that she desired a family and was waiting for right moment.

Margot wore loose black pants and white button down open to show off her growing belly. To top off the classic look the 34 year old choiced for black woven sun hat and coordinating Prada PR17WS sunglasses to protect herself from the sun.

Tom wore khaki colored shorts a white T shit and shades. Completing the fit the 34 year old rocked a couple of black Birkenstock sandals. Margot assist her bump and smiled at Tom while he adoringly tapped his finger to her chin.


Fatman Scoop collapses on stage during Connecticut concert with rapper given CPR and moved to hospital

The Be Faithful singer 53 was seen struggling as he climbed onto a platform during Friday performance in Hamden.

Screams rang out as rapper and hype man whose real name is Isaac Freeman III disappeared from view spark frantic efforts to revive him.

Harsh images showed rapper Fatman Scoop colliding on stage during a Connecticut concert.

With the DJ booth obscuring the view a medical official can be seen performing chest compression vigorously on rapper.

One of rapper companions takes the mic and observes that there are no fans on this stage.

Hamden Mayor Lauren Garrett said Scoop had been moved to the hospital by ambulance and stressed fans to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Those in attendance looked on in horror as the beloved rapper dropped to the floor officials appeared to swarm the stage to perform CPR on Fatman Scoop.

Authorities were dispatched to the scene. They wheeled the rapper out from venue on a stretcher and moved him to hospital where his condition remain uninform at this moment.

Without his shirt on the rapper struts toward the back of the stage where there is a DJ booth.

“I said Hamden make some noise. Fatman Scoop shouts again.Then the hip hop artists climbs the stairs to the DJ booth during which he looks to pant into the microphone.

He looks at the crowd and endeavors to excite them spotlights dance around the stage.

‘If you came to party the rapper says before taking a long pause. He appears to been forward,Make some noise he adds his words slurred.

As soon as he finishes speaking he collapses onto the ground dropping the microphone. Across the crowd screams of horror.

Fatman Scoop fellow artists on stage try to assuage the crowd by addressing them.

We are having a good time. Hamden make some noise for me he adds and audience makes praise.

IT is what it is. We come here to party. the man adds.

Behind him emergency works can be look hastening to Fatman Scoop side.

‘One Tree Hill’ Sequel series in development at Netflix

A sequel series of “One Tree Hill” is in the works at Netflix.

The original One Tree Hill ran for nine seasons on The WB and later the CW. The cast consist of Chad Michael Murray, James Lafferty, Bethany Joy Lenz, Lee Norris, Paul Johansson.

The series was set in fictional town of Tree Hill North Carolina and focused on rivalry between Half brother Lucas and Nathan. Their love of basketball united them the show grew into story of friendships family drama and relationships.

Mark Schwahn is original creator of One Tree Hill but has no involvement in the follow up.

In 2017 Schwann was accused of attack by Burton and number of the show cast and crew during their time on the series.

Burton starred as Peyton Sawyer while Bush played Brooke Davis Ackles played the character Rachel Gatina, Lenz, Burton and Bush co hosted the One Tree Hill Drama Queens.

Button far away from the podcast after Season 6 as he character was no longer in the show Robert Buckley who joined One Tree Hill in Season is now third host.

Original series stars Sophia Bush, Danneel Ackles and Hilarie Burton are executive producing the reboot. Ackles with executive produce under her chaos machine banner along with her husband,Becky Hartman, Jensen Ackles is attach to write and executive produce Warner Bros.

Netflix is developing the sequel series with Sophia Bush, Hilarie Burton Morgan and Danneel Ackles slated to comeback.

Set in fictional town of Tree Hill, NC One Tree Hill start as teen drama about feuding brothers Lucas and Nathan Scott and best mates Peyton Sawyer and Brooke Davis Ackles joined in season 4 as Rachel who was introduce as rival to brooke.

First season focused on love triangles, parental drama, mates pressure and high school fate but in season 5, OTH moved before four and half years to pick up with character after college.

One Tree Hill would be second WB/CW series revived by Netflix after Gilmore Girls which come back with sequel series A year in the life in 2016.

Jurassic World Rebirth First Look Jonathan Bailey and Scarlett Johansson Images goes viral

Universal has officially unveiled the first teaser of Jurassic World Rebirth the 7th movie in the 31 year old franchise starring Jonathan Bailey, Scarlett Johansson and Mahershala Ali.

The movie will be set five years following the events of Jurassic World Dominion when the planet ecology has proven largely inhospitable to dinosaurs.

Gareth Edwards is directing from a script by David Koepp who wrote the original Jurassic Park released in 1993.

Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley are producing the movie and Steven Spielberg Denis L Stewart and Jim Spencer are executive producers.

Jurassic World Rebirth is scheduled to open on July 2, 2025.

Manuel Garcia Rulfo plays Reuben Delgado the father of family that has been shipwrecked which consist of Luna Baise David lacono and Audrina Miranda.

The studio unveiled details about multiple of characters in the movie. Johansson character is covert ops expert named Zora Bennett. who has hired to lead the team extracting DNA from 3 gargantuan dinosaur species left alive.

Ali plays Zora partner, Duncan kincaid, Bailey plays paleontologist named Dr Henry Loomis Rupert Friend plays Martin Krebs the representative of the drug conglomerate funding the expedition.

Justin and Hailey Bieber declare birth of first kid

Canadian singer Justin Bieber has revealed the birth of his first child with his spouse Hailey Bieber.

Kylie Jenner and Kate Perry with multiple other popular person congratulated the pair.

Your blessing has arrived. Perry wrote a comment to Bieber post.

The 27 year old American model and pop singer got married in ceremony in New York in 2018.

Jenner wrote I can not handle this little foot.

Revealing their pregnancy in May the pair shared photos and video of Gailey starting her bump in white lace dress.

In an Instagram photo Bieber shared his newborn son small foot.

“Welcome home” Bieber wrote in caption in early hours of Saturday morning declaring his name as Jack Blues Bieber.

Hailey the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin and niece of actors Alec, Daniel Baldwin and William is founder of skincare line Rhode.

Justin was forced to cancel the remaining dates of his justice global tour during his recovery from Ramsay Hunt syndrome a situation that can cause facial paralysis.

The Canadian singer stepped on stage at Coachell past month to perform 2020 hit single Essence alongwith Wizkid during a set by Nigerian star Tems.

Justin climb to fame as singer when he was only 13 years old.

Stephen Baldwin Hailey father share  Mallettee Tweet saying “Ameen Congratulations to you and may God continue to bless your family.

The pair first revealed that they were expecting a kid together in May 2024 sharing the news on instagram.

Justin has add that he desire to start a family with Hailey but noted in December 2020 appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres show that he was respecting his wife timeline.

I am going to have as many as Hailey is wishing to push out. I would love to have myself a little tribe.

The pair tied the knot in September 2018 in a New York City courthouse two months after getting engaged.

They later celebrated a mege ceremony in front of friends and family exchanging Tiffany wedding bands as the sun set in Bluffton South Carolina.


Rapper NBA Youngboy to plead guilty to Louisania gun charge

For the various 4 years, local rap star NBA YoungBoy has wrestled with looming gun charges from one of his music video shoots in Baton Rouge.

Rapper NBA YoungBoy has agreed to plead guilty to federal weapons charge once the case is moved from Louisiana to Utah where he faces unrelated charges accusing him of running a prescription drug fraud ring.

The move gives the federal government jurisdiction to prosecute Gaulden in Utah where he was charged before this year with over 60 felony counts tied to a large scale prescription fraud ring.

In court documents filed past week the rapper whose real name is Kentrell Gaulden waived his right to a trail in Baton Rouge.

US District Judge Shelly Dick then shut the Louisiana case and moved jurisdiction to the federal court in Salt Lake City.

Gaulden signed notice of his intent to enter his guilty plea once the case is moved to Utah.

NBA YoungBoy who is famous as YoungBoy never Broke Again has gained four No 1 albums on Billboard 200 and one Top 10 hit on the Billboard Hot 100.

His music consist of 38 Baby Outside Today and Tyler. The Creator song Wuyaname on which he is star with Ty Dolla Sign.

Grammy nomination in 2022 for Best Melodi Rap Performance.

Gaulden had been living in Utah on house arrest while awaiting his Louisian trial.

He has been held without bond at the Weber County Jail north of Salt Lake City awaiting trial in drug case.

Prosecutors allege Gaulden a convicted felon had a gun while shooting a video in Baton Rouge in 2020.

He was among 15 person arrested after over a dozen guns were seized from the set of video.

Gaulden faces more than 10 years in prison in the weapon case federal prosecutors have added.

‘Very mindful very demure’: The laughing latest TikTok trend:

How we are explaining a Tik Tok trend kindly with context? Very mindful, Very demure

The phrase very mindful very demure has gone blast on TikTok user Jools Lebron famoused the phrase in a series of videos.

The TikToker uses the terms to describe the standard of appropriateness for makeup and fashion selection in lot of settings.

Who is Jools Lebron

Her TikTok success Lebron a makeup influencer and makeup artist has used her media to discuss her experiences as self described pluz sized trans woman reflecting on her passion for female interests and her identity.

In a latest TikTok video Lebron posted in tears how the demure trend has changed her life.

“Maybe you should make the video because one day I was playing cashier and making videos on my break and now im flying across the country to host events and iam going to be able ti finance the rest of my transition.

What does demure mean?

The term demure was used to describe a woman who was quiet reserved or modest contrasting sharply with qualities loud or standout.

Jools Lebron use of the word demure

Lebron reshapes demure and mindful to refer to a refined subtle in multiple contexts whether at work on a plane or in personal appearance.

In her TikTok video from August 2 title How to Be Demure at Work. Lebron show her translation of the term as choosing simple makeup choice.

Her video which consist of phrases like very demure very mindful get millions of likes and inspired a series of videos on her account.

She covers topics like dressing demurely for work flying and even interacting with hotel staff.

Lebron TikTok video about how to be demure in workplae has more than 22 million views.

Jennifer Lopez files for divorce from Ben Affleck

The couple separate over 20 years of playing the on and off game.

Speculations start to coming out in May that the pair was on the outs. They had not been seen together in weeks and that Affleck had moved out of their home which was then put up for sale.

Lopez filed for divorce Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court according to court documents.

Lopez add the pair did not have a prenup.

The longtime lovebirds ultimately married in July 2022 after redesigned their relationship the past year.

.In total Lopez has been married 4 times.

Lopez and Affleck were engaged in early 2000 but broke up before they were married and then spent a 17 years apart.

Lopez was married from 2004 to 2014 to singer Marc Anthony with whom she shares her 2 kids and she was engaged to Ne York Yankee Alex Rodriguez in 2019 before they broke up in 2021.

The pair married in Las Vegas and arrived at the chapel before midnight to wait in line with 4 other pairs.

Lopez revealed in April 2022 that she and Affleck were once star engaged 20 years after the first proposal.

They married July 16, 2022 and got a marriage license from Clark County Nevada court record show.

The pair married in Las Vegas and arrived at the chapel before midnight to wait in line with 4 other couples.

We did it the report adds. “Behind us 2 men hands and held each other. In front of us a young pair who made the three hour drive from VictorVille on their daughter second birthday all of us desiring the same thing for the world to recognize us as partners and to declare our love to the globe through the ancient and universal symbol of marriage.

The couple said at the time that “it was the best possible wedding we could have imagined. One we dreamed of long ago and one made real”.

Jennifer Lopez reached her decision to divorce from Ben Affleck with extra care.

Various insiders confirmed to media that the mega star filed for divorce from Affleck in Los Angeles County Superior Court on the 2nd anniversary of their wedding celebration in front of friends and family in Georgia.

The singer, 55, filed for divorce from the actor 52 on Tuesday, Aug 20. She came to the painful conclusion that it is time to move on for multiple reasons.

She is very disappointed and sad. Ben has given her any signs that he desire to continue their marriage. He has not shown any commitment and interest in making their marriage work.

The pair later started making public appearance including at the Venice Film Festival in September 2021 and making their romance instagram official in  July 2021.

The Georgia ceremony happened  a month after two officially married in an intimate ceremony in Las Vegas on July 17, 2022.

Lopez and Affleck reshaped their romance in April 2021 years after they first date and became engaged before postponing a planned September 2003 wedding.

Lopez added that the pair had a little bit of fear about dating in the limelight start while speaking to media in February 2022.

She added ” I feel so lucky and happy and proud to be with him. Its a beautiful love story that we got a second opportunity.

She said that their second shot at being together was different. We both were like Wow we are so happy and we do not desire any of that to come into play again. We are older now. We are smarter we have more experience. We are at different places in our lives We have kids now and we have to be very conscious of those thing. We are so protective because it is such a beautiful time for all of us.

Jennifer is having a good summer. She has been off and able to focus on what is next. She is enjoyed spending time with her kids family and friends. She always has attitude even when things are not perfect.

Black Myth: Wukong makes outstanding debut on Steam

Black Myth: Wukong is outstanding on Stream. Black Myth: Wukong is topy played game on Steam with a top 2151942 concurrent players at time of writing.

Developer Game Science retelling of Journey to the West in the second slot for the highest concurrent player counts ever on Steam.

Black Myth: Wukong is based on classic Chinese novel travel to the West, and players take on role of Sun Wukong the Destined One throughout the role playing game.

There is controversy related to release on it. Publisher Hero Games gave out a missive to few game streamers asking them not to discuss the chinese video game industry or feminist propaganda during their streams.

It was released on Aug 20 for PlayStation 5 and Windows PC and Xbox Series X release is expected at later date.

Black Myth:Wukong has reviewed well with score of 82 on review aggregator Metacritic.

Polygon called the game an epic saga that is both confounding.

GameDiscoverCo founder and analyst Simon Carless estimates that almost 5 am ET 88.1 % of the concurrent players were based in China with 3% from the US 1.6% from Hong Kong and 1% from Japan.

US playerbase wakes up and log on. Bloomberg said Tuesday that Black Myth Wukong generated a level of buzz the chinese gaming industry has not seen in years.

Boy Meet World star Danielle Fishel diagnosed with breast cancer

Danielle Fishel has hard time to share about her health.

The Boy Meets World star 43 opened that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer on Monday episode of Pod Meets world.

The podcast she shares with co star Rider Strong and Will Friedle.

Fishel added It is very very early. It is stage zero. to be specific i was diagnosed with high grade DCIs with micro invasion. I am going to be fine. I am having surgery to remove it. I am going to be on few follow up treatment. I have had to make clear decision over last couple of days.

She told she always thought that If she ever got cancer she would suffer in silence.She later realized the place you have the most to learn from is at the very beginning of a story or in the very messy middle of the story.

Fishel add she desire to share her story with multiple people because I hope that it will encourage anyone to get in there. If its time for your appointment if you have never had an appointment before get in there. If you have to find out that you have cancer find out when it  is at stage zero if possible.

Friedle and Strong who played Shawn and Eric on Boy Meets World.She warned listeners that their podcast schedule might shift as she faces treatment they assured her that was the last thing she should worry about.

Friedle told her “You may have few sucky days coming up but we are here for you.

He never Knew Matthew Perry but prosecutor says the ketamine that killed him came form the actor dealer

When her brother died Kimberly McLaury texted the person who she believes sold him the medicine that killed him.

After getting her brother phone back from police McLaury found a chat with the dealer pointing her brother paid for the ketamine through venmo.

After his death certificate came out. I texted back and said just so you know the ketamine that you sold my brother was listed as his reason of death.

On Thursday Jasveen Sangha the alleged dealer was one of 5 people charged in 18 count indictment relating to death of actor Matthew Perry.

Authorities detailed a connection between the world famous actor and Cody McLaury an personal trainer.

Pair died using Ketamine allegedly supplied by the same dealer a woman whose street name was the Ketamine Queen prosecutors add.

Sangha has pleaded not guilty to various drug related charges including one stemming from August of 2019 the year Cody McLaury died.She is not charged directly in his death.

The US Attorney Office added they uncovered an underground network of doctors and drug suppliers they claim were responsible for distributing the ketamine a potentially deadly controlled substance that contributed to Perry death in October at age 54.


Ketamine is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a short acting anesthetic for humans and animals in medical settings.

It is administered through and IV.

It is not approved for any mental health disorder but has commonly prescribed off label for treatment of chronic pain depression and anxiety.

Ketamine has long been used as party drug and latest study showed the supply of illicit ketamine is increasing in the the US.

Ketamine without medical supervision can lead to dangerous adverse events including unconsciousness and dangerous slowed breathing.

Perry was found floating face down in a stand alone jacuzzi at his

Pacific Palisades home in October 28, 2023.

Police add at the moment that no wrong play was involved.

Derivative of ketamine esketamine is approved for treatment resistant depression in adults.

The drug Spravato is delivered as a resistant depression in adults.

The medical uses for the drug are being explored few experts have raised worries about potential abuse or dependence that can come with misuse.

In Perry case prosecutors charged 4 other including 2 doctors and a live in personal assistant with supply the drugs to Perry.

McLaury was living in Los Angeles when his fatal overdose occured at age of 33 4 years before Perry and hours after the US Attorney Office alleges Sangha sold him ketamine.

Kimberly McLaury add her family start to doubt Cody death might be linked to Perry when investigators with the Los Angeles Police Department came to her home in Washington.

Court documents state Sangha did a Google search after getting the text from Kimberly McLaury typing can ketamine can be listed as a cause of death.

Prosecutors cited that Google search to allege Sangha knew that improper and unsupervised use of ketamine can be deadly.

They claimed in an indictment.


Doja Cat finally locked it down with Stranger Things Joseph Quinn after Noah Schnapp DM fallout

Joseph Quinn and Doja Cat were spotted packing on the PDA while out and about in London.

In July 2022, Doja asked Schnapp 19 through Instagram DM if he could get Quinn to hit her up and he encouraged the musician to slide into Quinn DMs.

Schnapp who was 17 at time shared a screenshot of his and Doja chat through his Instagram story.

Doja was rumored to be dating social media star J Cyrus the couple were first linked in November 2022 though they never took their relationship public.

An image shared by Deuxmoi through Instagram on Sunday August 18 showed the Paint the Town Red rapper and the Stranger Things star 30 cozying up together at Dingwalls Dancehall in London Camden neighborhood

Deuxmoi shared a video of the pair holding hand while walking. Doja with her signature platinum blonde buzz cut and a blue dress held Quinn hand as he placed his other arm around her shoulder.

This two years after Doja slid into Quinn Stranger Things costar Noah Schnapp DMs requesting him to play matchmaker.

Two years ago Doja made her intentions visible when she hopped aboard the Joseph Quinn thirst train by posting on Quinn internet fan pages,

He assumed the role of conductor by DMing a then a 17 year old Schnapp for assist in making a love connection.

Schnapp suggested she slide into Quinn DMS then provided a reference to the British actos Instagram. Schnapp later shard interaction in deleted Tiktok which rubbed Doja the wrong method.

The Kiss Me More singer criticize Schnapp for posting a private chat between me and him calling it borderline snakes. Doja got her fair share of criticism for trying to enlist a 17 year old in aiding her love life.

When does Emily in Paris Season 4 Part 2 come out? How to watch the new episodes, Release date

The first part of Emily in Paris Season 4  come out on Thursday and the five episodes are full of drama, fashion and twist.

Series producer Darren Star told media Season 4 of Emily Paris is about the progress of Emily during her time in Paris.

The central premise of show at the starting was that Emily was in Paris, that is not premise of the show by Season 4 Star add The show is called Emily in Paris and Season 4 is about progress of Emily in Paris.

Emily feels more feeling everyone feels more feeling this year. Collins about Season 4 There is more honesty and openness within all situations they are going through.

How many episodes are in Emily in Paris Season 4?

Season 4 of Emily in Paris will have 10 episodes. The first 2 seasons also had 10 episodes.

When does Part 2 of Emily in Paris Season 4 come out?

Part 2 of Emily in Paris Season 4 with Episode 6-10 will release on Netflix at 12 am PT/3 am ET on Thursday Sept.12.

Part 1 of Season 4 dropped on Aug 15 and Episode 1 through 5 are available to stream on Netflix.

Emily in Paris Season 4 cast

Lily Collins will once start be headlining the season as Emily along with mix of new and familiar faces consisting of

Guest stars consist of

  • Raoul Bova as Giancarlo
  • Anna Galiena as Antonia Muratori
  • Thalia Besson as Genevieve
  • Eugenio Franceschini as Marcello
  • Rupert Everett as Girorgio Barbieri
  • Ashley Park as Mindy Chen
  • Philippine Leroy Beaulieu as Sylvie Grateau
  • Lucas Bravo as Gabriel
  • Samuel Arnold as Julien
  • Bruno Gouery as Luc
  • William Abadie as Antonie Lambert

Bridgerton Season 4 Casts Yerin Ha as Benedict’s Love Interest Sophie Beckett

Bridgerton has cast Yerin Ha as Benedict Bridgerton love interest for Season 4.

Bridgerton Season 3 was released in 2 parts on Netflix between June and May 2024.

The show was renewed through Season 4 back in 2021.

Three season rank among the top 10 most viewed English language TV titles ever on platform,

Season 3 has get more than 103 million views till date despite available for few months.

Season 4 will tell Benedicts love story and will based on the events of Julia Quinn third Bridgerton novel.

An offer From a Gentleman.

Season 4 will tell Benedict’s (Luke Thompson) love story and will be based on the events of Julia Quinn’s third “Bridgerton” novel, “An Offer From a Gentleman.”

Ha will play Sophie Beckett in upcoming season of the hit Shondaland Netflix series.

The 4th season of Bridgerton turn its stress to bohemian 2nd son Benedict.

Benedict is loath to settle down until he meets a Lady in Silver at his mother masquerade ball.

Beckett is the Lady in Silver.

She is illegal daughter of an earl and one his maids. She was brought up in her father house though he never publicly acknowledged her as his daughter.

Bridgerton is executive produced by Shonda Rhimes, Tom Verica and Betsy Beers of Shondaland along with Chris Van Dusen who develop the show for tv.

Shondaland is currently under overall deal with Netflix.

Jess Brownell is showrunner and executive producer.

Yerin Ha is famous to American viewers for her role in Paramount+ series adaptation of the Halo video games.
She appeared in season of the series in role of Kwan Ha.
Her other credits include Australian shows Reef Break Troppo and Bad Behaviour as independent movie Sissy.

“Happy Gilmore 2” holds casting call for NewJersey extras.Here is complete detail when & where it shoots and how to sign up

“Happy Gilmore 2” is holding a n open casting call for New Jersey natives.

Grant Wilfley Casting, Inc, posted the casting call earlier this monthing searching for extras for the upcoming Netflix movie.

How to sign up for “Happy Gilmore 2” casting call

Extras can sign up with a Grant Wilfley Casting profile or send an email to with the subject line “NJ local”.

The casting call says there is no experience required. Actors in the SAG AFTRA union will make $216 for an eight hour day while the non union pay rate is $176 for 10 hours.

Applicants will need to submit following;

  • Phone number
  • current clear photo of yourself
  • Which counties are you willing to work?
  • Are you more than 18? included child age and parent name
  • Name
  • SAG-AFTRA union status

“Happy Gilmore 2” filming in New Jersey

It has been 30 years since we last saw Happy Gilmore the long driving hero who won in the Tour Championship in 1996.

Shoot dates will held from September through November.

The movie is set to film scenes in Essex, Monmouth, Morris, Somerset and Essex counties.

Since 1992 Grant Wilfley Casting has been providing extra service to New York film, tv and commercial industry.

The casting agency has worked on various movies such as Black Swan, The Wolf of Wall Street and Spider Man.

Two background positions are available for New York City and New Jersey. Actors interested in applying should check the Grant Wilfley Casting Facebook for requirements.

The two roles are covered by the SAG-AFTRA Collective Bargaining Act which means actos with their SAG card could get preference for employment according to listed requirements.

Positions will be paid a flat rate of $253 for an eight hour workday.


Lauren Boebert secret tattoo unveiled in new bikini photo highlighting conservative women

Lauren Boebert has been mega stomach tattoo that explodes from her pelvic bone and stretches up her torso to her ribs a stunning new image shows.

A unveiling bikini image showcasing the Republican congresswoman secret link was unveiled thursday by her colleague Rep. Matt Gaetz’s wife who has been sharing images of scantily clad conservative women in favor of Rep. Anna Paulina Luna whose years old swimsuit pics went viral this week.

Luna on social media platform took the chance to mock transgender people.

“Im confirming that i have indeed worns swimsuits and you can tell I am biologically a woman. she shared on x with#MAGA.

Earlier Luna 35 sported a MAGA themed suit in a 2016 video to show her support for Donald Trump before she start serving in the House of Representatives at the begin of past year.

Ginger Gaetz wrote on x along with a bikini emoji “We love confident healthy patriotic women like Lauren”

 In the photo Boebert 37 who was thrown out of a Denver theater nearly a year before for groping her date appears smiling while standing on West Palm Beach,
She wears a dark blue bikini top paired with slim cheetah print bottoms adorned with gold accent rings.

A tribal tattoo connected the bathing suit top and bottoms look originating from Boebert pelvic bone and covering the right side of her abdomen.

The tweet was watched by over 1 million times and and have faced criticism and support.

Some calling her tattoo trashy.

It is not visible how congresswoman felt about spouse of her colleague who amplified the bikini shot on his own page sharing the unveiling photo.

Sydney Sweeney Sizzling Thirst Trap is Immaculate: cast of immaculate : sudney sweeney: sydney sweeney boat:sydney sweeney new pics:sydney sweeney hometown

Sweeney posed in sizzling bodysuit while having a boat day with peers.

The Euphoria star posted multiple pics on Instagram from a latest summer boat day.

Sweeney 26 posed in black and white wetsuit that showed off her backside.

She finished the look with black sunglasses and white sneakers.

She posed on top of a boat in multiple pictures showing off her excellent physique.

In one slide she lounged around with mates. She could be seen laughing and covering her face in other images.

She also shared a carousel of photos captioned all things camp on July 30.One video included her sitting on a jet ski while other moved around in pool tubes.

Other images showed her and her mates singing karaoke outside at night.

They sang classic like Sk8rBoi by Avil Lavigne and Gimmel Gimmel Gimmel by ABBA.

Her dog Tank made her Dogue debut appearing in a dog inspired Vogue images. Pictures consisting of her dog lounging in back of red car and on a pool float.

“My dog  Tank is so important in my own self care process. Sweeney add in March.

“Whether it is just playing with her taking her to the dog park or taking her on a walk,It just lets me take a moment and unplug from everything else.

Sweeney told media in past Tank assist her mental health and keeps her life balanced.

There were images showing hiding fake spiders among bedding along with Polaroids  of the camp moments.

The past slide showed Sweeney in mismatched flower bodysuit and swim mask.

Sweeney in recent month showed another moment with video of her water surfing for the first time ever.

Fans respond with exciting post like one wrote

“Sometime all you can do is say hummina hummina hummina”.

The star has been spending lot of time on the water since buying a $13.5 million oceanfront mansion near key west fla in June.

She has been seen swimming in her pool and riding a banana boat at the luxe property which shows an aquarium and 520 bottle wine room.

The Anyone But You actress wrote her blond hair down in beachy waves as she posed on a boat with members of her glam squad consisting of hairstylist Glen Coco Opreza and makeup artist Melissa Hernandez.

Sweeney finished her back look with black sunglasses and white water shoes.

Hernandez wore the same dress.

‘The Union’ Director announce Why Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry Never Kiss: cast of the union:netflix movies:union movie

Netflix latest romcom spy thriller “The Union” shows romance of two stranger high school sweethearts blue collar construction worker Mik and secret agent Roxanne.

The Union show plenty of action. The movie shooting schedule was divide between Slovenia, London, New York and New Jersey casting a larges scope of production uncommon in industry.

Berry was excited to part of production that shot on location rather than sound stages.

“The Union” is now streaming on Netflix.

We could be on a stage just making it all up and showing that we are in Italy and we are in Croatia or London.

It helps us as actors get in right headspace and then we get to have fun in off time.

The movie 109 minute runtime the couple never kiss a decision that director Julian Farino expresses was long debated finally made to leave fans desiring more.

We take the relationship to few place and then I think you have got to leave a lot of space to go.

Netflix adds at the starting. ‘you have to think of this as a chance three movie idea’.

Farino joined Wahlberg, Berry and other The Union cast on the red carpet outside Hollywood Egyptian Theater to discuss how they brought the Netflix adventure to life.

The movie follows a secret service division famous as the “The Union” which specializes in converting blue collar jobs into deadly spies.

After foreign mission is compromised Roxanne come back to her home state of New Jersey to recruit her high school beau Mike whos construction experience make him ideal decision to entrance to the team.

Wahlberg and Berry echoed Farino logic about escaping the Kiss. Once they kiss then its finish. We are hoping if we get to do a second one we let that chase continue. Berry added.

You desire to see the journey to see these two high school friends find each other.

Director Julian Farino The Union follows Mike Mar Wahlberg a construction worker happy with his job dive bar outings with his friends and sleeping with his former seventh grade teacher.

When his friend Roxanne Halle Berry com back to east coast after decades of non contact what he thinks is a cute down memory lane turns into an international intelligence operation.

Hackers have hacked the personal data of all of the Western world government employees from soldiers to FBI and the cops.

The Union is a small secretive agency within the government akin to the operations of the CIA.

They are an invisible army that keeps the world running an agency that looks for street smart blue collar individuals who fly under the radar.

Agent Roxanne and her cut to the chase boss Tom are leading the mission to retrieve the data to prevent it from getting in the wrong hands.

Kidnapping Mike from New Jersey yo London Roxanne enlists his assist for this high stakes job for one sole reason,

The Union is unengaging,unspecial. It lacks excitement and charm.

The plot of the movie is boring. The joke in film are so cheap. Some actions are remarkable.

Story has no power.

Beatking, Houston native and ‘Thick’ rapper dies at age of 30 due to pulmonary embolism

The  rapper whose real name is Justin Riley latestly appeared during Nicki Minaj tour stop art the Toyota  Center in May.

The rapper famous as #ClubGodzilla was born in Houston.

His death was confirmed by his manager Thursday night.

His manage confirmed his death on social media platform sending shockwaves through the music faternity.

Houston rapper Beatking famous for the viral 2010 single Crush and the platinume selling DJ Chose record Thick had died. He was 39.

Beatking has been the super part for the club for more than a decade she wrote. He has produced and worked with so many artists that his sound will forever live. He loved his daughters his music and his fans. We will love him forever.

The rapper was famous for the records Then Leave with Queendom Come in 2020 and Erica Banks 2022 single Toot That with DreamDoll.

“He was at an Urban One station doing a morning takeover when he fainted.” Felder wrote.

“He was taken to a near by hospital where he later passed away. His daughters were with him the entire time. It is truly sad. We loved him so much.”

DJ Chose released the rap record “Thick” in July 2020. The single received a remix from fellow Houston native Megan Three Stallion months later.

Beatking rose to popularity after release of Crush in summer of 2010 from his album Kings of the Club in 2011.

Jack Russell, the former singer of the band Great White dies at 63

Jack Russell the ex singer of the Great White band has died after a fight with dementia his family revealed Thursday.

He was 63.

“Jack is loved and remembered for his sense of humor exceptional zest for life and unshakable contribution to rock and roll where his legacy will forever thrive. His family asks for privacy at this time.”Instagram post on his page revealed

Russell’s family add he died in the company of his wife cousin, son and two close friends.

Russell a California native start singing in bands in high school and in 1981 joined Great Which which was first name Dante Fox.

He stayed with band for 15 years before dividing path for a time period to record his first single album.

Great White had multiple Billboard charting songs including “Once Bitten Twice Shy” “The Angel Song” and “Rock Me”

Russell stopped touring past month after revealing he had been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and Multiple System Atrophy which cause loss of coordination and balance and changes in speech.

In 2003 a band shows in Rhode Island a pyrotechnic malfunction sparked one of deadliest nightclub fires in history in which 100 person died including band guitarist and 230 were suffered major  and minor injuries.

He rejoined the band in 1999 before the band divide in 2001.

He finally revamped the band in 2002 under the name “Jack Russell’s Great White”

“Just heard of the passing of our good friend Jack Russell.” add Fred Coury.

“So sad Jack and I had a lot of great adventures through the years on and off of the ocean. The world lost 1 of the nicest guys in the business & 1 of the great voices to sail across the airways of the 80. RIP Captain.”

‘The Golden Bachelorette’:Meet the Senior Men Dating Joan Vassos:golden bachelor contestants:how old is joan vassos:joan vassos husband:kelsey anderson dad

the golden bachelorette

Its time for “the Golden Bachelorette” and ABC has revealed the 24 senior men that will be dating Joan Vassos.

joan vassos

Vassos who was first introduced while dating Gerry Turner on “The Golden Bachelor” past fall will get another opportunity at love after her husband of 32 years died.

The Golden Bachelorette premieres Wednesday Sep 18 from 8-10 pm ET on ABC with latest episodes airing on Hulu the day after their debut.

joan vassos age

Vassos is a 61 year old grandmother school administrator and widow who left Turner’s season to be with her daughter who had given birth.

kelsey anderson dad

Bachelor Nation will be thrilled to view that Kelsey Anderson father Mark is in the group after the widower won fan hearts during Joey Graziadei season of The Bachelor in early 2024.

Her is among 24 men in late 50s and 60s who will court Vassos who is 61 years old.

joan vassos age

Vassos is a 61 year old grandmother school administrator and widow who left Turner season to be with her daughter who had given birth.

In new promo Anderson add he connected with Vassos story “knowing that Joan had lost her husband there is an understanding that I have of things that she went through.

kelsey anderson

A latest promo for the first season of “The Golden Bachelorette” starts with a Minnesota man: Mark Anderson 57 smiling

Anderson is youngest of the cast, released Tuesday. Anderson is famous as Kelsey hot dad.

His ABC bio shows him as an Army Veteran who’s 5 kids are his greatest accompaniment. He is a Viking fan a Girl Scout dad and a cross country skier he add in April interview.

During interview Anderson then 56 called himself too young for Golden. The Golden Bachelorette cast daters in their 60s and 70s. Grey Turner the first star was 72.

He also expressed he would watched “The Golden Bachelor” which feature person who had lost a wife through death or divorce and thought. “Wow this is actually pretty inspiring.”

“Dating sites are not” he trailed off.

Traditional ways of dating are not really applicable anymore. Im not 21 anymore where do you go and find somebody my age? How do you meet.

Charles L. is a 66 year old retire financial analyst from Philadelphia among 24 contestant taking part in Golden Bachelorette.

“The Golden Bachelorette” will air Wednesdays at 8 pm starting Sept 18 on 6abc.

He will be among the 24 men trying to win Joan Vassos heart this fall.

Ranging in age from 57 to 69 group involve a salon owner. firefighter and ER doctor and of course lot of retirees.

What Does Demure Mean? Buzzword Going viral on TikTok:very demure meaning:very demure very mindful tiktok

TikTok creator Jools Lebron posted a video of how she gets ready for work in a demure method in August 2024 the trend has taken off with thousands more tiktok videos under the hashtag demure viral on social media app.

What does demure mean? Here is complete detail to know about the latest TikTok trend and where it originated from.

Various users have now joked that demure refers to someone who is reserved modest or shy will replace brat summer in fall after brat thanks to Charli xcx album of same name.

How did the demure trend start?

The demure trend started after Lebron who has more than 1 million followers on TikTok posted a video on Aug 2 explaining how she gets ready for job in a demure method.

“You see how I come to work? Very demure I do my makeup. I lay my wig. I do a little braid” she explained.

“I flat iron my hair I do chichis out, I do viral vanilla,very demure, very mindful. Lets not forget to be demure divas.”

The video has more than 3 million views and Lebron has continued to make similar content from how to be demure when ordering food to how to be cutesie at a nail salon.
Lebron is not the only person to use the word demure to detail a lifestyle and has even called out creators like Selyna Brillare and Devin Halbal who have made content related to being demure.
Lebron has add that her videos are meant to satirical and has clapped back at users who have hateful comments on her posts.
“I m very mindful when I am on the internet I make my jokey jokes.
“I do not get mad and dissolve into transphobia and I do not lose my demurity more than a joke”

What is the demure trend?

By definition demure links to a person who is reserved or shy per Merriam Webster. It can link to a method of dressing modestly.

How are people responding to the demure trend?

The demure trend viral in first week since Lebron posted her video with 20 thousand people making videos under #demure and more making jokes about it on x.

In other TikTok video a lady explained how she reads her book in a demure way.

People start to mimic Lebron videos making one of being themselves demure as well.

In another TikTok video a woman show how she reads her book in a demure way.

How does the “demure” trend relate to past TikTok trends like trad wife and brat girl summer?

Demure comes on heels of various TikTok trend including trad wife and brat summer moments.

In summer the “brat summer” trend gone viral originated by neon green and people being unapologetically themselves.

The lifestyle links to being somewhat of an “It girl” but doing it easily.

In summer 2024 another trend “trad wife” gone viral by Nara Smith and Hannah Neeleman used their video to show how they practiced traditional gender roles in their relationship.

Their content deals with preparing meals for their big families and spouse from start and taking care of their children.

The coquette trend catches public eyes in 2023 summer users donning whimsical and romantic dresses.

Some wear coquette style like baby doll dresses, tights, ruffles , milkmaid tops and pastel colors inspired by Victorian Regency era.

Internet is changing from brat summer to a demure fall. Demure trend has traits of coquette and trad wife trends.

The force behind demire is like a brat.

Are you demure or brat?

The demure trend stands in stark contrast to brat trend. Motivated by Charli XCX album of the same name “brat

Brat is all embracing your messy side. This include clubbing, partying, general chaos and makeup.

In a TikTok interviews Charli XCX explain brat word meaning “You are just that girl who is a little messy and maybe says dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but maybe has a breakdown but parties through it. It is honest blunt and volatile. That is brat”


Richard Goodall comeback to America Got Talent stage with cover of Michael Bolton:nbc agt vote:agt how to vote:america’s got talent vote

Vigo County school janitor Richard Goodall steal show when his America Got Talent Season 19 telecast in May.

Goodall who act a rendition of Journey “Dont Stop Believin” had audience members dancing in their chairs and so impressed judge Heidi Klum she gave him the Golden Buzzer advancing him to show’s live rounds which start tuesday night.

How do the AGT live shows work?

Dedicated fans will notice a changes with this year live shows. The live show will be divided into 4 weeks of quarterfinals before moving into a semifinal round and two week finale.

New this season is live show Golden Buzzer. One judge will be allotted a Golden Buzzer during each round of the quarterfinals giving them the opportunity to send an act directly to the finals.

In every week of the quarterfinal round 11 acts will perform live with Golden Buzzer sending one of those acts to the finals.

In the semifinal round 12 acts will perform. The 6 acts that get the most viewer votes will join the four live show Golden Buzzer recipients in the finals.

Viewers votes will decide which additional three acts from each quarterfinal round will move forward.

How do I vote on America’s Got Talent?

Viewers will be able to cast their votes until 7 am Wednesday at or through the AGT app available via App and Google Play.

Who got the Golden Buzzer in the first round of AGR quarterfinals?

Judge Sofia Vergara gave the Hakuna Matata Acrobats an acrobatics group from Tanzania her live show Golden Buzzer moving them directly to the finals.

When is the AGT finale?

The two night Season 19 finale will take place Sept.17 and 24.

How many times can I vote on America’s Got Talent?

Viewers can vot maximum 10 times per method

What did Richard Goodall perform on America’s Got Talent Aug.13?

Goodall sang Michael Bolton “How Am I Supposed to Live Without You“. He dedicated the song to his lovely fiancee Angie who was sitting in the audience for this performance.

She was unable to make the trip to Los Angeles when his audition was recorded in May.

What did AGT judges says about Richard Goodall?

Simon Cowell praised Goodall “one of the most memorable contestants we have had for a long long time. If you make it through you really do have a shot winning this whole competition.”

Disney star Skai Jackson arrested for domestic battery after public altercation with boyfriend

Disney star Skai Jackson was arrested for domestic battery after public fight at Universal CityWalk.

Jackson who changes from child actress to superstar in entertainment media. She has kept her relationship private with few person known about her boyfriend.

She gained popularity for her roles on Disney Channel and has expanded her career to include voice acting music videos and commercials.

She competed in Dancing with The Stars in 2020 getting the semi finals spot.

In 2018 she voice Glory Grant in a Marvel animation series and published her debut novel.

Reach for the Skai How to Inspire Empower and Clapback,

The case is under review by the LA County District Attorney Office to determine whether charges will be filed.

Jackson 22 and her boyfriend claimed to be happily engaged and expecting a baby together.

Disney Channel star Skai Jackson was arrested previous week for domestic battery following an incident with her boyfriend at Universal CityWalk.

According to police sources deputies responded after security observed Jackson pushing her boyfriend various times. Both parties denying that anything physical happened, video image reviewed by deputies led to jackson arrest. She was released after a few hours.

2024 National Dominican Day Parade in New York City

The National Dominican Day Parade is taking to streets once again on Sunday in a celebration of culture pride and community in New York City.

This year crowd and marchers are celebrating the 42nd anniversary of the parade which will start at noon. The parade runs along the Avenue of America from 37th street and 55the street.

The theme for this year parade is Merengue Neustro Ritmo. The theme aims to recognize merengue as over a musical genres and rather a vital part of the Dominican identity.

Program start in 2015 the National Dominican Day Parade has committed more than $1 million in funding to over 200 students across 20 states.

By offering parade organizers, scholarships and boar members aim to assist students of Dominican descent attaint a college degree.

“We are celebrating 175 year of its existence so we are going to share with the community its roots where did the ritmo come from where did ryhthm originally come from.” one of board member said.

The annual event celebrates Dominican culture folklore and traditions with parade floats musical guests.

Among those being honored at the parade include President Pedro Brache Alvarez, Grupo Rica CEO.

The parade is not a celebration of Dominican heritage it is a time to fundraise and assist young students get their goals through its scholarship program.

The parade will start at 12 pm Sunday Aug 11 at Sixth Avenue and 37th Street in Manhattan.

Floats will show groups like President Beer, NYC Football Club, Camali Music Group, Marching on will be performers including La Fuerza Dance Studio and Ballet Folkorico Xiomara Carbera.

Los Hermanos Rosario are performing ar sold out gala on Friday will serve as Grand Marshals of the parade.

Jochy Santos will be crowned king of the parade with rapper Bulin 47 taking title of International king.

Any street closure to know about?

Here is full list of street closure of the parade by city department of Transportation.


  • 38th and 37th street between Fifth and Seventh Avenue
  • 36th Street between Broadway and Fifth Avenue
  • Sixth Avenue between 37th and 38th streets.


  • 55th stret between sixth and fifth avenues
  • 55th street between seventh and sixth avenues


Max Thieriot teases what to come for him “Bode” before Fire Country Season 3

The CBS drama tv news episodes this October and actor shared his hope for his character future.

Fire Country season 3 is two months away from premiering Max Thieriot has ideas about whats to come for him and impressive character Bode Leone.

Max open up to media in May Fire Country season 3 will explore Bode journey as he trace out who he is in the globe outside of being shaped.

The mega hit CBS drama is set to air new episodes starting Friday October 18 at 9 pm ET and fans to see what happens to Bode after season 2.

Bode finishing his 5 year prison sentence early leaving him to figure out what he desire to do now that he is free.

Viewers watched Bode try a stint at working in construction they witnessed him finally discovering his first love will always be firefighting.

I think we leave Bode at big changing point in his character. Max add at the time.

“Due to everything that we have been seeing. I think we leave him off sort of seeing him reinvigorated. You really feel like he is trying to put things behind him and he is really trying to set a path.”

” It was honestly rewarding for me to get to listen when we have these pickups and know about the season” he said. “The biggest thing the viewer get is knowing that we have another season. We are coming back we keep grinding and we keep doing it.It is exciting and I m excited to get to continue to tell these stories and work with team”

Max Thieriot’s Hit CBS Drama has arrived on Netflix

  • Fire Country starring Max Thieriot focuses on personal redemption via firefighting in Northern California on CBS
  • Cat up on Fire Country before Season 3’s release on CBS
  • Season 1 is available on Netflix
  • Season 2 is on Paramount+
  • Season 3 premiers October 2024

Max Thieriot CBS drama Fire Country has found its streaming home but the situation is different from streaming situation.

Fire Country has done good job aired on CBS last two years. Rotten Tomatoes scores is less than average at 44%.

Fire Country Season 3 was confirmed just one month after season 2 premiere.

Fire Country a popular network series.

Its move to streaming could make the series more successful.

Fire Country Season 1 is Now Streaming On Netflix

Netflix is streaming platform for Fire Country because it faces less contest in terms of first responder series. Netflix mega first responder shows at the moment ar S W A T Tacoma FD anf Grey Anatomy.

There are some notification choice like Fire Chaser and Emergency NYC.

Fire Country will have free rein over streaming platform.

It looks like that series become hit into Netflix best TV shows.

Fire Country Season 2 is available to Stream on Paramount+

Fire Country Season 1 has new on Netflix. Fire Country season 2 is available to stream on Paramount+.

Season 2 has total of ten episodes.

The season continues developing Bode story with mega events like prison break and wedding.

Fire Country release plan has some value to it. Fire Country season 3 is set to premiere in October 2024.

The new season arrives the show desire to become more visible. Fire Country season 1 to Netflix more viewers become interested in firefighting TV show.

Withholding season 2 Fire Country is convincing audiences to really get dedicated to show by switching ever to Paramount+.


Box Office: “It End With Us” Starts with $24 Million opening Day ‘Deadpool’ Impressive ‘Borderlands’ flop

The august box office is looking Lively with Sony drama “it Ends with Us’ making a mega opening day of $24 million from 3,611 locations across Friday and preview screenings.

The adaptation of Colleen Hoover 2016 bestselling novel is now looking at higher projections north of $45 million across the three day frame with a $25 million production budget.

The Justin Baldoni directed feature stars Lively as florist that falls for a neurosurgeon who is forced to face terrible realities when arrival of childhood friend complicates her relationship.

Driven by emotions for Hoover novel the movie has start to play like a franchise installment among its summer blockbuster peers.

Outside the top five Neon indie horror feature Cuckoo took $1.34 million from 1,503 location on its opening day.

The psychologist thriller stars Euphoria breakout Hunter Schafer.

Universal rounds out top five with it releases of Depicable Me 4 and Twisters Amblin disaster thriller continues to put up holds in North America its Warner Bros release has failed to match.

Twisters earned $4.4 million on Friday and is projecting a slim 32% down in its fourth weekend of release.

Despicable Me 4 is looking to add $8.75 million this weekend which would drop 24%. Now $330 million if ranks as third highest grossing North American release of the year.

 Lionsgate has financially shielded itself a bit by recouping almost 60% of production cost through international presales.
Disney Deadpool &Wolverine is shaping for brilliant hold in its 3rd weekend.The Ryan Reynolds Hugh Jackman two hander tooki in $15,6 million on Friday down only 44% from its daily total a week before.
The R rated action comedy has shown more staying power than the superhero feature which usually put up performances and face steep week to week drops at box office.
The Marvel Studios production is primed to cross $500 million shortly after weekend. The $1 billion milestone is coming up rapidly.
Borderland” opening over than three and a half years after principal photography started.
Borderland Lionsgate long adaptation of Take Two shoot em and loot em video game series.
The feature took in $4 million from 3125 location even with increase tickets sales from play in lmax.

Blake Lively on Wearing Britney Spears Actual dress to its Ends with US Premiere: It should be in the Smithsonian

Lively appears in iconic 2002 dress covered in sequin butterflies and flowers.

Blake Lively could not believe she recreated one music superstar look during  stop on the Its Ends with US press tour.

Lively 36 pulled out stops for the movie red carpet premiere in New York City on Tuesday Aug 6 and paid homage to Britney Spears by wearing a vintage Versace gown the Gimme More singer wore in 2002.

Lively has floral looks up her sleeve as release of It Ends with US approaches, She is worn everything from minidresses to flower print jeans and floral shorts to embroidered chaps.

Lively accessorized with rings from Lorraine Schwartz fine jewelry line each of matched colors of the dress including pastel blue and pink and couple of dangle drop earnings with same colors.

She kept her shoes simple and wore strappy heels.

Lively tells media :”it is Britney actual dress. It should be in Smithsonia or the Met. But its on me I feel so lucky.

Fully in line with floral themed dressing she has been doing for whole summer tied to her character Lily Bloom and her floral shop in film the Versace dress includes a pair of flowers across her waist.

The various color dress has a one shoulder halter neckline and cutour across her bodice.

Lively shared a message for superstar singer to her Instagram stories on Tuesday Todays mood.

The final queen who made us desire to sparkle and share our stories. She wrote above image of Spears wearing the Versace ensemble in 2002.

Britney us have a story of moment that you made us desire to shine and inspire with joy, strength and hard work.

She added “Thank you for your example and your contribution to women telling their stories.”

Lively walked the red carpet with her husband Ryan Reynolds who wore an olive green suit with floral boutonniere reference to Lively character.

They were accompanied by Reynolds Deadpool &Wolverine costar Hugh Jackman.

Lively has been wearing florals in any method she can find them. Blake Brown haircare line that she loves dressing when promoting a project it permits her to really sink into character.

I m so excited method dressing is like a thing now because years ago when I did a Simple Favor people were like Why are you dressing like your character. Why are you in suits?


Collin Farrell begin Foundation in honor of son with Angelman Syndrome as he reveal about their life:what is angelman syndrome:angelman syndrome symptoms:angelman syndrome life expectancy:colin farrell angelman syndrome foundation

The Colin Farrell Foundation will provide help for adult children who have intellectual disability through education, innovative programs and advocacy.

Farrell 48 is keeping eye on his son James 20 who has Angelman syndrome a neurogenetic disorder. James who is nonverbal is sitting in backyard playing catch with his live in caregiver.

He makes eye contact with journalist standing nearby and throws the miniature basketball in her direction to include her in his match.

Jame’s eyes light up when he position Farrell but its nothing to compare with swell in his father chest with those around them reply to his son

” I want the world to be kind to James”

“T want the world to treat him with kindness and respect”.

Farrell decision to reveal his home and take in depth about his life with his son for first time 21 in September.

James will age out of many of help systems provided for families with kids who have special needs.

Farrell says “Once your child turn 21 they are kind of on their own.

All the safeguard are put in place special ed classes that all goes away so you are left with a young adult who should be integrated part of our modern society and more often than not is left behind.

To assist bridge the gap the actor is launching the Colin Farrell Foundation to assist help for adult children who have intellectual disabilities through innovative programs and education.

“I mean I can I speak to Jame as if he is 20 and has perfect fluency with the English Language and age cognitive ability.But I can not discern a answer from him as to whether he is comfortable with all this or not so I have to make a call based on knowing james spirit and what kind of young man he is and goodness that he has in his heart”

The actor chooses to believe that If james knew getting his photograph in the back garden with me which is not my favorite thing to do if us doing this could assist families and other young adults who live with special need.

James and those like him have earned the right to have a greater degree of individually and autonomy on life and greater degree.

As for the foundation “Farrell has for years wanted to do something in realm of providing greater chance for families who have a child with special needs to receive the help that they deserve. the assistance in all areas of life.

According to the Mayo Clinic, Angelman syndrome is caused by a genetic change and leads to delayed development problems with balance and speech mental disability and sometimes seizures.

Development delays are often the first signal of Angelman syndrome and can start between about 6 and 12 months of age many who have diagnosed with illness tend to laugh a lot and are easy to excite.

The condition cannot be cure people tend to live close to life span and treatment often stresses on managing sleep medical and development issues.

The In Bruges actors share the 20 year old with Kim Brodenave the former pair welcomed their first child together in 2003.

It was revealed James suffer from Angelman syndrome a complex neurological condition which can cause movement disorder swallowing, slow brain wave conditions, small flat head epilepsy, low muscle tone and breathing problems.

As a baby Colin added that James was not hitting certain development milestones he was unable to sit up, crawl or walk leading to common misdiagnosis of cerebral palsy aged one.

He was two years old that another doctor suggested that he should get tested for Angelman syndrome.

Fortnite latest update 30.40 patch notes downtime Fall Guys FNAF latest end of season event

Fortnite Developer Epic Games returns with another latest new update as we enter the final few weeks of the season.

The news was revealed by Epic Games on X alongside a preview about what to expect from latest update 30.40.

The Fall Guys content sounds like lot of fun. It another speculation hit that really had fans buzzing with excitement.

There were news that Fortnite would collaborate with Five Nights at Freddy after new update.

Where we Fallin? reads an Epic Games tweet “Downtime for v30.40 starts at 4 AM ET with matchmaking ending beforehand.

The current season ending in less than 2 weeks. Fortnite fans are waiting for release fo what could be the ultimate mega update of Chapter 5 Season 3.

The mega new Fortnite update will be join by a period of server downtime which will take all match mode offline for maintenance.

The server downtime start off at 9am BST UK time matchmaking will be disabled at 8:30 am BST.

The game will be offline for at least pair of hours.

The current season ending in less than 2 weeks. Fortnite are release of final update of Chapter 5. Season 3 Fortnite update 30.40 has August 6 release date on PlayStation 4,Xbox series, XS, Xbox One, PC and Android.

Fortnite update 30.40 patch notes


In game Cell shaded outfits will look distorted and not correct

Cell shaded outfits are visually distorted.


  • Players are unable to sit in any seating that is placed directly against a wall or post.
  • Players are unable to sit on Seating furniture that is touching as wall.


  • HOPO Note following Chorded Note not consistently hit
  • Hammer On Pull Off notes following a chorded notes sometimes do not trigger well being fretted.
  • To workaround this we prep a fix be sure to release the lower fret button of chord note before higher one.

What is the Just Give me my money TikTok Trend? Viral madness take over social media

Tiktok is famous to start viral trends some are hilarious and some are threatening.The last fad to hit the social media is known as Just Give me my money.

The viral tiktok trend has get positive response from internet users.

Earlier this year hello shark viral trend on social media.The series features aspiring businessman pitching their business ideas to potential sharks. They start their pitch saying Hello Sharks today Iam asking.

Tiktokers mimick shark tank pitchers instead of big investment they ask for small favors like a snack or a trip to a concert.

It is easy to involve in fad.

All you need is a small bunch of friends to form a circle or line and repeat the phrase just give me my money in a funny voice.

Everyone involved int the video says the phrase and get and enthusiastic round of applause from others.

Except things go awry when it comes to one participant that is not involved in the prank. and they say the line everyone else involves has awkward reply and does not appreciated.

It is not clear where the trend originated but various have claimed that top streamer Kai Cenat started it earlier this year during broadcast with American rapper DreamDoll.

The trend has gone viral on TikTok in past several days with even Will Smith taking part in one video.


What happened to Shaun Martin? Seven time Grammy Award Winning Musician Reported Dead

Seven time Grammy Award winning musician shaun Martin who has won four Grammys with Kirk Franklin and three as member of Snarky Puppy has died.

Franklin was reported dead through social media post shared by friends and gospel music insiders on Facebook on Saturday August 3rd 2024.

What happened to Shaun Martin?

Shaun  Martin was reported dead Saturday night through social media posts.

The top post on Facebook by Brianna Parker read “Well I now Know what it means to mess up the city” when you leave this earth.

He did not mess up the city with this one he messed up the world.

He had been battling health issues in latest years with reports that he suffered a  stroke. His family never confirmed what are illness.

Martin was legendary musician and he would be remembered for his impressive discography.

His death is massive blow to music world.

Shaun Martin was born on August 23, 1978 in Dallas Texas. He started learning the piano when he was only 4 years old as he was tutored in classical music and jazz.

He picked up gospel  music from attending church with his mother every sunday.

Shaun Martin was married to Monica Wilson Martin with whom he shares son Harlem.

Martin journey toward greatness start when he formed a partnership with legendary gospel musician Kirk Franklin while only in High School, He began working as Franklins choir director.

Shaun Martin was member of the jazz fusion brand Snarky Puppy started by bassist Micheal League a fellow university of North Texas alum in 2004.

The group has performed with legendary star including Justin Timberlake, Michael McDonald. Snoop Dogg, Kirk Franklin.

Martin through his partnership with Snarky Puppy and Franklin has won seven Grammy awar throughout his career.


Fast and Furious 11: When is it coming out? All we know so far

The hype for Fast and Furious 11 is going crazy and Vin Diesel posts keep increasing it. But when is it coming?

The 11th installment of Fast & Furious has generated mega buzz since its revealment. Vin Diesel teased fans on Instagram with glimpses of key cars that feature in sequence.

Vin Diesel will come back for Fast & Furious 11. Characters from Dom family who survived Fast X are expected to repeat the roles.

Main cast members like Jason Statham as Deckard Shaw, Helen Mirren as Magdalene Queenie Ellmanson Shaw and Gal Gadot as Gisele could come back.

What was initially intended as eleventh and final chapter in franchise may not be end after all. It seem Universal has found a method to extend the saga into a trilogy with this movie serving as bridge.

Van Diesel speak out that the studio had proposed splitting the movie into two parts. According to Diesel the studio inquired Could you make Fast X the final a trilogy?

Diesel described the upcoming finale as just as ending but a celebration of remarkable family they have built over the years.  This may be end of main storyline franchise is expected to continue with some direct to streaming projects including a solo outing led by Dwayne Johnson.

Main saga might conclude that Fast & Furious universe could still expand.

The end is drawing near in February 2024 Vin Diesel shared on Instagram that team was buzzing with excitement following a week of meeting with writers and staff.

Newcomers from Fast X including Jason Momoa as villainous Dante Reyes Brie Larson as rogue agent Tess. Daniela Melchoir as Brazilian Street racer Isable may reappear as film continues from Fast X ending.

Tyrese Gibson Gives a Disappointing Fast & Furious 11 script Update

  • Fast & Furious 11 marks the end of era for highly successful franchise that start in 2001
  • Filming for Fast & Furious 11 is set to start early next year with a planned summer 2026 release date
  • Tyrese Gibson a long time star of the series has yet to see script for final installment.

Filming starting next year Fast & Furious 11 is now scheduled for a summer 2026 release after being delayed by year.

For final outing the franchise intends to come back to basics even as series lead Diesel has in latest weeks shown off collection black Dodge muscle cars as she starts training for a come back to his role as Dom Toretto.

The family will reconvene for one final spin round track in Fast&Furious 11. The Fast and The Furious franchise has gone on to become seventh highest grossing film series of all time.

The hype around the franchise upcoming offering circles around how we left things in Fast x. Dante Jason Momoa quest for vengeance against Dominic Toretto as Van Diesel had left the fate of much of family unknown,

The upcoming film discussing in conversation on The Happy Sad confused podcast Gibson opened up that he has to see to a script for Fast & Furious 11.

As regard the storyline ofr Fast & Furious 11 nothing concrete has been confirm at time of writing. The story will continue from where Fast X left thing off and this will involve Toretto and his family facing off against Momoa Dante Reyes.

It provide a final farewell to Brian O Conner the franchise co lead who was played by the late Paul Walker.

Seeing as Fast & Furious 11 will serve as sequel to Fast X it is expected that all cast from 1oth installment will return to this finale. This means the ever present Vin Diesel michelle rodriguez, jordana brewster the Gibson Sung Kang and Nathalie Emmanuel The Fast X post credit scene featured Dwayne Johnson.

The highly remarkable Fast & Furious 11 gets script update from longtime star Tyrese Gibson. The Fast & Furious franchise which start with 2001 The Fast and Furious has start to become the 7th highest grossing film series of all time.

The highly thrilled Fast & Furious 11 gets uncertain script update from longtime star Tyrese Gibson.

The Fast & Furious franchise which start in 2001 The Fast and The Furious has rise to become seventh highest grossing movie series of all time.

The franchise has produce 10 feature length films along with Hobbs and Shaw a spinoff that was released in 2019 and animated series. Fast & Furious Spy Racers.

The upcoming Fast & Furious 11 is set to conclude the franchise and story started in 2023 Fast X.

I have not read a script yet. I have talked to director Im constantly in touch with Vin Diesel and they do really well at keeping this franchise afloat and the moment that I get the call. I am going to show up and try and do my job and hope that they are still happy with what I bring to table.

Vin Diesel tease the next Fast & Furious movie with Instagram post that suggest the unexpected comeback of old character.

Vin Diesel has post on Instagram. The actor posted a image hugging Devon Aoki the actress who played Suki in 2Fast 2Furious in what some have translated as come back of the character who has not appeared in saga for 20 years.

One of my favorite pics of 2024. Diesel wrote Two decades to this moment as we are in pre production for the Fast finale.

A Woman Hitting the Big 4-0 and Tries to Turn her life around in new Hallmark movie

When a woman sees an 8 year old version of herself she realizes that her life is not what she had hoped it would be.
In new movie Juniper is about to hit her milestone 40th birthday when she start looking a younger version of herself realizes her life has not turned out the method she had planned.
Here is everything we know about Hallmark Channel’s Junebug .
As a child I was rapid to share my honest thoughts and the first to try something new with no fear of results. As I grew older I learned to be more cautious before jumping into situation that might cause me pain. So I felt I had found a kindred spirit in Hallmark Channel last movie Junebug.

What is Junebug about?

When an 8 year old version of herself starts appearing to her Juniper start to realize that her life is not what she had hoped it would be when she was a child.

Young Junebug pushes Juniper to achieve her dreams to start writing again and collaborate with cute artist Alex that she met.

When does Junebug premiere?

Junebug premieres on Saturday Aug 2 at 8 pm ET on Hallmark Channel.

When can I watch Junebug again?

  • Sunday Aug 4 at 6pm ET
  • Thursday Aug 8 at 9 pm ET
  • Saturday Aug 17 at 10 pm ET

Saint Lucia’s Shan Lucien is Miss Jaycees 2024

Saint Lucia Carnival Queen Shah Lucien is new Miss Jaycees Queen Lucien won the title at the annual pageant in Antigua on evening on Wednesday July 31, 2024.

The pageant feature eleven delegates representing Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica the British Virgin Islands, Grenada the US Virgin Islands, St Kitts, Nevis, Guadeloupe, Guyana and Haiti.

The event is part of Antigua carnival celebration on its 61th year.

On June 29, 2024 Lucien won the National Carnival Pageant here in Saint Lucia.

Following her win in Antigua Saint Lucia’s Carnival organizers have congratulated Lucien via social media platforms.

Here is to you incredible achievements and bright future ahead “the official Carnival Saint Lucia Facebook page adds.

Under the theme “Beauty Unbroken” the contestants took to stage first in their introductory number adorned in vibrant cultural and national costumes.

The show lasted over 4 hours and in end in addition to revealing the top 3 places, prizes were awarded in multi categories.

Organizers successfully weaved a thread of travelling through imagery of a cruise the islands vibrant culture and Caribbean waters to bring the theme to life.

The even capture the resilience and power of caribbean women and contestants talent.

The Miss Photogenic award went to Miss Guadeloupe Kaena Rangasamy, Best Interview, Miss Grenada Amonai Francis and best swimwear Miss Antigua Desrie Markham.

Lucien also won prizes for Most True to Theme Best Talent Best Modelling Skills in Evening Wear and Best Evening Wear.

The song celebrated Caribbean Women like Mia Mottley of Barbados, Julien Alfred of Saint Lucia. Lisa Hanna of Jamaica and other whos images were displayed on screen during the performance.

In talent segment Lucien wowed the audience by playing the piano and singing Alicia Key Superwoman.

The final results were listed below

  • The winner Saint Lucia Shan Lucien
  • First runner up Miss Antigua Desrie Markham
  • Second runner-up Miss Grenada Amonai Francis.