The 10 Best White-Collar Jobs

White-Collar Jobs are those Jobs that you perform in office location. These jobs do not bother with wearing uniform or manual labor. White Collar Job requirement is college degree or formal training. White-Collar workers earn salaries than hourly wages.

White collar jobs consist of various positions like legal, administrative, software making or other technical working. Some white collar jobs do not require a bachelor degree like logistician.Best white collar jobs consist of great pay and highly consist of patients or business field.Various top white collar jobs require a master degree like of health care manager.

Information Security Analyst

An information security analyst perform for an IT organization or for computer security firm.Analyst perform security protection for a company network and systems which can involve working on firewall software, investigating security breaches, software updation and monitoring an organization networks.

You also remain up to date with current security products and trends

How To Get a Job as an Information Security Analyst

You basically require a bachelor degree in IT or computer science or degree in engineering or math.If you have certification of industry experience your high school diploma is enough to get you a job. It is benefit to obtain certification like of CISSP or experience in an IT department to get industry experience.

  • Number of peoples employed 141180
  • Average Salary $102000
  • Projected Job growth 2020-2035 35%


A logistician assist analyze and coordinate an employer full supply chain.The supply chain is the method that moves a product from a warehouse or production to the end consumer. Logistician works with internal and external employees and various foods.

Logistician may assist source materials and products supplies, grown business relationships with clients and suppliers and perform with internal staff to improve the production process.

How To Get a Job as a Logistician

To become a logistician you need an associate degree or bachelor degree in supply chain management, logistics or relevant work experience. Having experience dispatcher clerk assist to find a job.

  • Number of people employed 190000
  • Estimated Job Increase 2020-2035 32%
  • Average Salary $77000

Health and Medical Service Managers

Health and Medical service managers direct, plan health services for clinics and hospitals. They can control the entire facility, office or individual department. Their jobs involve recruiting team ones, controlling the finances of facility, work schedule, organizing health records. This profession is best for those who are organized and work in a various capacities in health care department.

How To Get a Job as a Medical and Health Service Manager

Bachelor degree is minimum requirement. You need a master degree in health care department like of health care, social services and nursing. Coursework human resource administration, budgeting and health economics is desirable.

Medical and health service managers should have practical experience working in a health care facility or hospital for at least a year.

  • Average Salary $101340
  • Estimated Job growth 2020-2030 35%
  • Various employeed 429800


Epidemiologist find the pattern and spread of illness.They schooled public health complexity and find procedure to treat them.This consist of planning studies, policy makers, analyzing and collecting data.

They may control staff and write grant proposals for research. Epidemiologist expert in disease such as cancer patient

How to Get a Job as an Epidemiologist

If you desire to become an Epidemiologist you need at least a master degree in epidemology. Those involved with research need a doctoral degree.Epidemiologists have experience in clinics and laboratories.

  • Average Salary $78000
  • Number of persons employed 7700
  • Estimated job growth 2020-30 36

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