Historically discriminated against and linked with ecil international red hair is celebrated.
Redheads come in all colors from bright coppers, auburn, carrot orange. Strawberry bond is a redhead.
This property is linked with fair skin color, light eye color, sensitivity to uv light.
The rarest combo is red hair with blue eyes.
May 26 is day that celebrate beauty of red hair which is found in less than 2% of world population.
There is a magazine called MCIR for redheads
World Redhead Day celebrated on May 26th was founded by Dutch artist Bart Rouwenhorst.
It begin in 2005 when Rouwenhorst look for red haired models for art project and receive a good response.
This led to creation of festival in Netherlands.
This unique trait is frequent in Ireland and Scottland people.
Redhead festivals take place across the world from Netherlands to Israel.
In traditional societies red hair has been linked with witches, vampires and outsiders were portrayed sporting red hair.
Some historians link this negativity towards the belied that Judas Iscariot had red hair.
In 16th and 17th centuries women who had red hair were labelled as witches.
45,000 women suspected of being witches were burned during witch trials.
Historian claim that in old Asian civilization people were said to have red and auburn hair. There are redheads in Greek literature.
Thracian, Sarmatians, Budini were reported by Greek authors to be blue eyed red haired.