Aaron Jones tried to decrease packers vs vikings postmatch fight

The Green Bay Packers raises the battle to the Minnesota Vikings in the Sunday Night Football match at US Bank Stadium. As the teams were shaking hands postmatch a fought broke out.

Jordan Love shows a match winning performance and Joe Barry’s excellent defense came through with two key performances in the Packers with 33-10 win.

Packers running back Aaron jones intervene to break it up. Images catches Viking cornerback Andrew Booth Jr having harsh words exchange with an inactive Packers player and got in his face.

A shove happened as things got even more worse and Jones who was not involved took a punch at one moment it is not clear who smash hime during the battle but it look like it possibly have been from some of the Packers player.

Jone who move 20 times for 120 yards. told to media “I see one of our players having an interaction and they start shoving” “I start to deescalate”.

It was not clear who start the fight, however it could have been the fact that the Packers threw a 37 yard pass late in the game with backup quarterback Sean Clifford.

At the end calm player won and jones went on to have a party celebration in the postgame interview on the pitch.