What is a Probate Judge?

A probate judge is a civil court judge and a state official judge who is in charge of overlooking cases presented in the probate court system.Probate judges are lawyers by trade and earn seven figure salary.They hear cases on contested and uncontested estates with wills and estates where no will is present.Probate judges overlook proceedings and decision regarding of estates of living person and deceased people who are deemed unable to look after their own estates.If wills are uncontested a probate judge inclusion is low level.

How Much are Probate Judges Paid?

Salaries for probate judges dependent on area where they work.Salaries are decided by the counties not at the state level.Courts in huge metropolitan areas pay more than those in rural counties. Average annual salary of probate judge are $130000.

How Much Education and Experience Are Required To Be a Probate Judge?

All Judges hold the degree of bachelor in law and various states require that they have passed their state bar exams and spent time practicing as attorney.Judges are elected some times.Generally Judges are appointed by state legislature or state governor.

Some rural counties with low population divert their cases to a larger county nearby or the state capital. There is one probate court in each county.In America there is only one probate court in each county.

How Does a Probate Judge Work?

The probate judge overlook and approve all steps to administration after a personal representative is in position. Creditor must be notified that the decedent is no longer living and they must be given a time period to make legal claims for the money the decedent owed to them.

States law determines how long they have.The personal representative is then charged with deciding whether these claims are valid and if so paying them with estate funds.

The case move into a courtroom if the executor denies a claim of creditor because they do not believe it is valid. That too will result in litigation.Probate Judge decide whether the creditor should be paid.

The executor is responsible for dividing the remaining property to the beneficiaries according to the terms of decedent will after all creditors are paid.The decedent asset would go to their heirs at law according to state law if they died without a bill. They require the approval a final signed order from judge to close the estate.

Definitions of a Probate Judge

A probate judge decide legal matters having to do with estates of deceased persons who may be not be competent to manage their own estates. Probate Judges may determine guardianship cases for minor or other person who can not control their own affairs.The Judges duties in a case also vary depending upon all parties involved whether a will contest is filled. In some states there are surrogate courts.

Uncontested Estates With a Will

An estate is known as uncontested when the decedent leaves a last will and testament and there are no disagreements.The probate judge role is minimal in such cases. They will sign and hire order as they represented by the executor or attorney who may assist the executor.


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