dragon dogma 2 release date
The Publisher will Showcase 4 games across 2 broadcasts.
The first stream will air on March 7 at 3pm PT /6pm Et 11 PM/GMT with second following on March 11 at 3pm PT/ 6PM ET /11 PM GMT
The event will not include any updates on Monster Hunter Wilds.
More data on game will be open up during an Xbox Partner Preview event on Wednesday
We will be providing the latest info on titles launching soon and give world news on current state of Capcom.
Each stream will be 15-20 minutes in length with the first one focusing on Kunitsu Gami Path of Goddess and Dragon’s Dogma 2.
The 2nd one will feature Street Fighter 6 Exoprimal, Monster Hunter Now and Monster Hunter Stories
Dragon Dogma 2 will be released for PS5, PC, Xbox Series X/S on March 22.
Declared last June Kunitsu Gami Path of the Goddess follows in tradition of truly unique title like Shinsekai and Okami.
The action RPG sequel will be Capcom first $70 game.
Explore superb world in which Japanese aesthetics are brought ot life by power of RE Engine.