Story of Wendy William’s trouble Relationship with Ex Husband Kevin Hunter

Daytime talk show host Wendy Williams has been revealed her personal life. Her 2 decad marriage and messy divorce from ex husband and former manager Kevin Hunter long been a hot topic.

From the start of romance in 1994 to welcome their son Kevin Jr in 2000. Williams and Hunter relations takes ups and down in life.

After 20 years together, Williams filed for divorce in 2019 following reports of Hunter fathering a child with his mistress.

Despite their divorce finalized in 2020 Williams and Hunter continue to connect their son Kevin Jr who has expressed concern regarding popular mother well being.

William’s history with Hunter and close bond with their son have remained in public eye.

When did Wendy Williams get married?

Williams married Hunter on Nov 30 1999 in a civil ceremony in Jersey City New Jersey.

Is Wendy Williams still married to Kevin Hunter?

No williams divorce from Hunter in April 2019 more than 20 year of marriage. Their divorce finalize in January 2020.

When did Wendy Williams and Kevin Hunter get divorced?

Williams filed for divorced in 2019 and finalized in 2020.

What is Kevin Hunter doing now?

After divorcing Williams Hunter appears to have launched his production company in 2020. It is still up and running today.

Does Wendy Williams still have to pay Kevin Hunter?

Hunter had been getting alimony payments. in the ballpark of $250,000 a month from Williams.

What did Kevin Hunter do for a living?

Hunter worked as Williams manager and agent throughout marriage. Hunter was fired as EP of her show. when divorce was started by Williams.

Does Wendy Williams have children?

Yes Hunter and Williams have one son Kevin Hunter Jr born in 2000.

Why did Wendy Williams and Kevin Hunter get divorced?

Williams divorced Hunter reports surface that he had parent a child with his alleged mistress. Hunter was accused of harrasment, cheating hostile work.

Where did Wendy Williams meet Kevin Hunter

Williams meet Hunter in 1995 at ice skating rink. Hunter running a beauty parlor at that time he has no experience in show business. He works as William manager and production partner launch her talk show and become an executive producer on it.