Electric Power Introduce 10 New Sustainable Community Networks in California

Program will assist almost 400,000 residents gain access to battery storage system + solar. Electric Power holding trusted provider of energy storage and management solutions for small and home businesses declared that it will introduce 10 new Sustainable Community Networks SCN in municipalities in Los Angeles County under one contract.

Electricq is set to launch the PoweredUp Network program to customers by the end of Q12024. Almost Four Lacs resident across the 10 communities will be able to take advantage of the program.

The Sustainable Community Networks program also famous as PoweredUp Network.There is no property, credit or income lien requirements making it ideal for low to moderate income residents to get access to reliable cheap and clean energy. The system can save up to 20% stabilize electric cost by avoiding periods of top backup power during power outage and peak pricing.

In California residential electric rate increases have ranged between 34% to 82% across the investor owned utilities. Power outages continued to impact the state caused by severe weather and increased demand on the electric grid.

Solar+ battery storage system protect homeowners against uncertainties from fuel prices, inflation and utility rate rises. These systems homeowner can decrease electricity costs.Stored energy in battery system can be used during high demand periods when utility rates are high to lower costs or keep the lights on during a power outage.

Electricq SCN programs have been rising in popularity, mega driven by homeowners increasing seeking to less electric cost and energy resiliency.

As the United States faces rising electricity costs, the country has experienced a number of power outages in recent years due to increasing number of extreme weather conditions. Electricq claims their SCN system may permit communities to get reliable power, disturbing weather. The company solar products consist of energy storage which may serve as backup power source during outages.

As low income household are severe hit by rising energy prices. Electricq’s SCNs are one of pathways used to generate energy system through the clean energy transition. .
