Did you buy sheets from Macy’s? You may be eligible for a settlement

The Lawsuit claimed the brand of sheets-CVC which is famous as the Chief Value Cotton brand and manufactured by AQ Textiles were mislabeled defective or misrepresented.

It alleged threat count of sheets was not as high as advertised so buyer thought they were getting higher quality sheets than they received.

People who bought the sheets from Macys.com or from a Macy’store in US or Guam between Nov 8, 2013 and March 24, 2023 may be eligible for part of the $10.5 million settlement.

Macy’s did not respond to request for comment, The settlement website said company denied it violated any law or made any misrepresentation but it agreed to settle case to avoid litigation expenses.

The deadline to file a claim is Wednesday April 17.

How much you could get will depend on what proof you can provide when you apply for the settlement.

You can submit a claim form online or download the needed forms then mail them to: CVC Sheets Claims Administrator, 1650 Arch St, Ste 2210, Philadelphia PA 19103.

Those who were identified in Macy’s records as making the purchase will get $7.50 per unit of sheets purchase.

Those who can provide a receipt with proof of purchase will get $7.50.

All of amounts could be lowered through after payment of attorney fees and administrative expenses the settlement website added.

You do not have receipt but you attest under perjury that you made purchase you may get upto $2.50 per household not per unit purchased.

You can submit a claim form online or download the needed form then mail them to CVC Sheets Claims Administrator 1650 Arch St, Ste 2210 Philadelphia PA 19103.

You can request a claim form by calling 844 483 -0488 or by emailing info@cvcsheetsettlement.com