First pregnancy trimesters
Very early signs of pregnancy 1 week. symptoms of pregnancy start after two weeks of conceivment.There are three stages of pregnancy. Here is detail penned below;
- 2 Weeks Pregnant
If egg attach with sperm you are on the path of being pregnant. Ovulation generally occur two weeks after your last period start.Your pregnancy test positive after 2 weeks.
- 3 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby is a tiny ball consist of thousand of cells that are multiply rapidly.It is 1 week after fertilization of egg.You need pregnancy pillow for rest.
- 4 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby is now embryo consist of two layers and your placenta growing.
- 5 Weeks Pregnant
Your small embryo is growing after 5 week of pregnancy.Sore breast and fatigue are the symptom in 5 weeks.
- 6 Weeks Pregnant
At 6 Weeks of pregnancy your baby has began heart beating.Morning sickness and sore breast are common symptoms.
- 7 Weeks Pregnant
At 7 Weeks of pregnancy baby eyes, mouth, nose are in making shape.You may continue to pee regularly.
- 8 Weeks Pregnant
At 8 Weeks baby feet and hands are sprouting webbed toes and fingers.You may have nausea and fatigue.
- 9 Weeks Pregnant
You may have morning illness and mood swings.Your baby is like a small human being.
- 10 Weeks Pregnant
At 10 Weeks your baby has end the critical part of growth.You are ready for new clothes.
- 11 Weeks Pregnant
At 11 Weeks Pregnant Your baby busy kicking and stretching.
- 12 Weeks Pregnant
When you are 12 weeks pregnant your baby can move toes and sucking movements.You have feel heartburn.
- 13 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby has now fingerprints and is almost 3 inches.You are in last week of first trimester.
Second Trimester
- 14 Weeks Pregnant
At 14 weeks pregnant you are now more enthusiastic and less weak.Your baby is more expressive.
- 15 Weeks Pregnant
At 15 weeks pregnant your baby can shake her joints and making taste buds.You have a flue.
- 16 Weeks Pregnant
At 16 Weeks you may be .less nausea and less mood swings.You baby is growing into a spurt.
- 17 Weeks Pregnant
At 17 Weeks your baby is making bones and the umblical cord is growing thicker.
- 18 Weeks Pregnnat
You feel more hunger.Your baby genitals are grow enough to see an ultrasound.
- 19 Weeks Pregnant
Hair is growing on your baby scalp.It could be round ligament pain.
- 20 Weeks Pregnant
At 20 Weeks your baby taste buds are now growing.You pregnancy stage is halfway.
- 21 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby has eyebrows. Your baby making a kick.
- 22 Weeks Pregnant
Your belly become a hand magnet and your baby hear your heartbeat.
- 23 Weeks Pregnant
You may notice swelling in ankles and feet.Your baby has a sense of development.
- 24 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby is still lengthy and lean and soon change.Your growing uterus is the size of a football.
- 25 Weeks Pregnant
Your child is beginning to get some fat and hair.
- 26 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby is inhaling and exhaling little amount of amniotic fluid.
- 27 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby is closing , opening his eyes and sucking his fingers.
Third Trimester
- 28 Weeks Pregnant
At 28 Weeks Pregnant your baby now sees light in your womb.You are beginning your last trimester.
- 29 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby lungs and muscles are growing.Baby brain and head is developing.
- 30 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby weight is 3 pounds.You are facing mood swings, clumsiness and tiredness.
- 31 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby strong kicks start you at night.
- 32 Weeks Pregnant
Your uterus is now expanding and may cause breath problem and heatburn.
- 33 Weeks Pregnant
You baby weigh is growing and almost 4 pounds now.You are in trouble in bed.
- 34 Weeks Pregnant
You are feeling Dizziness.Your baby nervous system and lungs are maturing.
- 35 Weeks Pregnant
You will feel some movements and your baby in your womb is making some movements.
- 36 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby is growing weight per day.You may feel her feet in your pelvis soon.
- 37 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby lungs and brain continue to grow.Your yellow discharge during pregnancy more vaginal.
- 38 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby has a strong grasp which you test in person.
- 39 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby is full and waiting to come to the new world.Approach to pregnancy care center.
- 40 Weeks Pregnant
It is common if a women pregnancy date get pass. You baby is size of pumpkin.
- 41 Weeks Pregnant
At 41 weeks you are going into labour room.Your baby came into world after delivery.