One dish creamy garlic chicken breast recipe is ideal for a family gathering on lunch.Juicy chicken breast enriched in caramelized onions and creamy garlic sauce makes it outstanding dish.You can serve it with chapatti or rice.It is one of the most easiest dish you can make.Cooking chicken breast with garlic sauce and cream only increase the taste but you can serve with butter naan.It will take 30 minutes to cook the whole recipe than you rapidly make it for family.


Cut the boneless chicken breast into pieces,mix with spices and fried to make it brown.This step will make chicken juicier while eating.Add garlic sauce in same pan and mix chicken.simmer for 20 minutes and chicken is ready to eat.My husband is a crazy chicken lover.He loves to eat it with naan. My children every weekend demands to make it at the dinner on sunday night.


Step By Step

First spice the chicken and then add flour coat and fried with butter. Same pan prepared garlic butter sauce.Fried the chicken in creamy garlic sauce to make it moist.

Chicken Coating

Take boneless chicken breast and cut into pieces. Mix the chicken with garlic powder,salt,parika and black pepper.In another bowl add flour,corn flour,salt, garlic powder,paprika,black pepper and mix well.Now coat the chicken breast pieces in flour.

Pan Frying The Chicken

Heat the pan with butter and oil.Fry chikcen from all sides. Take the chicken from bowl after its color golden brown.

Prepare Creamy Garlic Sauce

In same pan mix garlic gloves.Add chopped onion and caramelized it with garlic.Turn temperature down and add yogurt cream or fresh cream.Stir until onion and garlic mix well.

Simmer Chicken in Garlic Sauce

Add fried chicken pieces into creamy sauce.Cover and simmer for 15 minutes on heat. After 20 minutes chicken ready to serve.

Things To Avoid To Cook Creamy Chicken

  • Donot use frozen chicken
  • Slice the chicke breast
  • Shallow fry the breast chicken
  • Add some water if you feel breast is drying
  • Avoid over cooking
  • Avoid over frying
  • Use garlic as required


Can we use Boneless Chicken?

Yes you can use boneless chicken instead of chicken breast.

Can I make the garlic chicken sauce in instant pot?

Yes you can use it make chicken more juicy

Can I replace Greek yogurt

Yes you can simply use fresh cream or yogurt sour cream.


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