Sandy speaks out after rumors of reconciliation with Lucas Lima: Lie

Singers opens up on social media after rumors that they had quit of divorce.

Sandy, former member of the duo Sandy and Júnior, and singer Lucas Lima opens up on social media after viral gossips on internet that they had revive their relationship and compromise on the divorce. The announcement took place on Monday night (20).

The newspaper posted this Monday (20) that the couple had given up on getting separated.

After Correio Braziliense posted that Lucas Lima and Sandy had reconcile their marriage, Sandy decided to opens up on Instagram platform. In a story, the musician reposted the message that she and Lucas published on the day of their separation and commented that nothing that was said after that text was true.

Everything that has come out about us since we posted this — and that wasn’t told by us, it came out of our mouths — is complete lie.

Even look like harmless posts were made up and are not harmless to our family. There are no ‘sources nearby’, this is a rubbish resource for ‘I can invent anything’. Even though we know that we will not be attended to, we ask again for respect and privacy, please”, he wrote.

Earlier The internet start to spread the supposed information that the two would be together again.


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