Highest Paying Jobs in the Banking Industry

Most of the best Jobs in the banking require a bachelor degree.It is also possible to start a job in banking with just a high school diploma if you opt an entry level job like of bank teller.There are various jobs available in the banking industry with salaries ranging from $36,000 to $90,000.

Banking Career Choices

You can chose from a various options of banking career.They are loan officer and bank teller.https://edition.cnn.com/

Top 10 Banking Career

Bank Teller

Bank tellers are the first person a client looks in their banking business.Bank Tellers accepts deposits, cash checks and process account withdrawals.According to BLS bank tellers earned a median per annum salary of $36,000 in 2021.Various bank tellers have a high school diploma.Bank tellers with bachelor degree is helpful for those bank tellers who desire to become a loan officer or bank manger.https://www.nerdwallet.com/


According to BLS auditors annual salary is $77,000.Auditors review records, compliance with regulations state and federal laws.Bachelor degree is minimum qualification required for auditor

Personal Financial Adviser

Personal financial adviser assists individuals control their income to meet their long term and short term aims.From planning how to pay for college, identify various choices and assist individual make most of income like special tax exemptions.According to BLS personal financial adviser earned a median annual salary of $94000.

Financial Analyst

Financial Analyst help individuals to make investment decisions.Bachelor degree is requirement master degree is preferable.According to BLS median annual salary is $81400 in 2021.


Treasurer control a company goals, objectives and finances.They control the company budget and overlook investment expenditures and strategies.Treasurer annual salary is $80,661.Treasurer positions eligibility criteria is PhD or master.

Relationship Manager

These professionals develop and control client relationships.They have strong knowledge of bank services and products and be able to convey the advantage of these clients potential.This Job require a bachelor degree. Relationship manager earns annual salary of $86466.

Branch Manager

Branch managers overlook training staff, include hiring and operations.Branch Manager set sale goals and control the branch budget.Branch manager earn median annual salary of $61000.


Collector manage accounts and keep tracks of bills and attempt to collect past due invoices.Bachelor degree is best for this job.High school diploma is minimum requirement.Collector earn an average annual salary of $42000.

Loan Officer

Loan Officers assist people apply for loans and identify mortgages to personal loans.They evaluate the client income, worthiness and history.Loan officers have education and background in finance.Loan officer is best choice if you working with people.BLS loan officer earned a median annual salary of $63,000.


Accountant analyze,plan and evaluate business income and expenditure.Various accountant have master degree and bachelor degree is minimum. According to reports of BLS accountant earned a median annual salary of $77000.

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