Georgia flu cases climbing prior to Christmas

According to Georgia Department of Public Health Flu cases is swiftly spiking as we move into Christmas week. Recent report say on weekend of December 16 Georgia sees the percentage of people going to the physician for flu conditions has reached 7.6%.

Georgia along with 8 other states are showing very large amount of respiratory sickness and 14 states are in high category data released by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention for the same week.

Since the beginning of the flu season in October more than 750 person have been hospitalized in the 8 county metro Atlanta area through December 15 the latest data show.

Since the initiating of the flu season 8 Georgians have died from sickness from flu consisting a child between age of 5 and 17. Last year 33 Georgians had died from flu. According to CDC who test positive for COVID should isolate for five days. After testing positive men should wear a quality mask like KN95 any time around the public.

You must wash your hand continuously and do not meet people who are ill. Doctors agree the best method to avoid contracting the flu and COVID is to access vaccinated and stay home if you feel ill.

The flu is unknown will it steady down like it previous year or climbing during the 2109-20. Covid numbers are also spiking but not high as previous years.

how long are you contagious with the flu

People with flu are severe contagious in the starting 3-4 days after their sickness initiate.

symptoms of flu

  • cough
  • sore throat
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • muscle aches
  • fever

influenza b

influenza b virus is known to infect human, seals and pigs. influenza b symptoms are severe in children . Children under age 2 are at high risk of flu and children under age 5 are danger to this virus

flu a vs flu b

These flu are caused by virus a and b and are mostly season flu in United States. Influenza A has further two Subtypes AHINI & AH3N2. Influenza B has two subtype known as B Victoria and B Yamagata.

flu a symptoms

flu a symptoms are

  • cough
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • fever
  • muscles aches