Best Jobs in the Fashion Industry. Top Fashion Skills.Fashion Industry Career Options

According to BLS fashion designers median annual salary of $73800.If you interested in fashion designing than you have a bright career in this industry.

Fashion Industry Career Options

Purchasing/Buyer Agent

Buyer and Purchasing Agent select shoes accessories or cloth from wholesalers and manufacturers to sell in retail market.They work for store departments and retail fashion choosing items they think will be better to customers.Buyers and purchasing agent have degree in business or marketing and fashion.They generally have to travel a lot visiting fashion shows and manufacturing shop.

Related Jobs

  • Fashion buyer
  • Merchandiser
  • Sales Associate
  • Store Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Showroom Manager
  • Area Brand Coordinator
  • Assistant Buyer
  • Account Executive
  • Apparel Production Coordinator


According to BLS buyer and purchasing agent earn median annual income of $69000.


A model advertises shoes, mobile or accessories by posing for photographers.They might run a catwalk in a fashion show while wearing a designer clothing or accessories.Models have no proper work schedule, they work from indoor studios to fashion show.

Related Jobs

  • Showroom model
  • Modeling Coach
  • Fashion Coordinator
  • Fitness Model


According to BLS model earns annual median income $28000.

Art Director

An art director in the fashion industry works for a public relation firm or for a fashion magazine.They have to be creative. They have to be wise enough to what photos will assist to sell a commodity.An Art Director job is styling of a particular commodity.

Related Jobs

  • Graphic Artist
  • Graphic Designer
  • Studio Photographer
  • Window Stylist
  • Display Designer


A fashion designer creates accessories,shoes and clothing. They need artistic skills and computer skills to use computer aided design and graphics software. They work in various platforms design firms, theatres and clothing companies.

Related Jobs

  • Fashion Designer
  • Technical Designer
  • Associate Designer
  • Bedding Designer
  • Fashion Director


According to BLS fashion designers earn a media annual income of $73000.

Marketing Manager

A fashion Market manager studies the fashion industry to get what type of accessories, shoes and clothing people desire. They need analytical knowledge, understand huge amount of data convey their findings designers and manufacturers.

Related Jobs

  • Marketing Researcher
  • Media Planner
  • Brand Strategist
  • Trend Forecaster


According to BLS Market Manager earn median annual salary of $63000.

Best Fashion Skills

Information Technology Skills

People in the fashion and design industry depend on Information Technology.Designers might use graphics, editing programs to make designs.Marketing manager work with software to manage and gather data.


  • Ecommerce
  • InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Computer Aided Design
  • Photoshop
  • Quark
  • WebPDM

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