Tag: #leap day

How this small Texas town became the Leap Year Capital of the World

Leap Year babies will find the ultimate birthday party here.

There is event taking place this year. Leap Day Feb 29 when we all gain 24 hours to do whatever we please.

Anthony Texas in El Paso County is famous as the Leap Year Capital of the World an honor it share with Anthony.

In 1988 Mary Ann Brown a Leap Year baby born in 1932 formed the Worldwide Leap Year Birthday Club and proposed to the Anthony Chamber of Commerce that the town claim the moniker LeaP Year Capital of the World.

The chamber agreed and sponsored a Leap Year festival that year.

The nickname became official when then Texas Gov. William B Clements and then New Mexico Gov. Garey Caruthers proclaimed it so.

It was read into the US Congressional Record on Oct 14, 1988.