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Soon when you set up new chromebook you do not need to manually enable Quick Share.
Quick Share is Google local file sharing service that works between Android, Chrome, OS and Windows. A new Chrome OS flag has appeared enables Quick Share feature by default. The visibility setting will default to Your Devices meaning you will only able to share files with own devices but can be altered.
Recent past Google introduced a new flag to Chrome OS codebase called Quick Share V2. This flag enables Quick Share v2 which defaults Quick Share to Your Devices visibility removes Selected Contacts visibility and removes the Quick Share On/off toggle.
The removal of Selected Contacts visibility setting means you would not be able to selectively filter out which of your contacts can share with you. Removing the on/off toggle means you would not be able ti disable Quick Share on your Chromebook anymore.
Moving files between your Android phone and Chromebooks is very simple due to Quick Share.
Quick Share is Samsung and Google file sharing service that help you transfer any number of files over local network connection meaning your files donot pass through the cloud.
Google is preparing to enable it by default anyway to increase its adoption.
Quick Share has available on Chromebooks since Chrome OS version 91 was released in June 2021 back when feature was still called Nearby Share.
Google has plan for overhaul of Quick Share for Chrome OS which not only includes enabling feature by default but removing the Selected Contacts visibility.
Quick Share V2 seems to involve only minor changes to feature. Google is working on mega upgrade that could be included under the V2 rollout.
Quick Shre for Chrome OS utilize a peer to peer WiFi connection for rapid file transfers bringing its performance in line with Android to Android transfer.
These changes will bring Quick Share for Chrome OS in line with Quick Share for Android which behave this way. Quick Share is displayed throughout Android share menu there is chance that some users who were not aware they could share files with their Chromebook through feature will now know they can.
Quick Share right now on Chrome OS requires diving into setting which is some users simply do not bother that.
This Quick Share V2 flag was just merged. it should appear soon on Chromebooks running Chrome OS Canary builds.
The flag is not enabled by default yet when Google plans to roll out this minor overhaul
The latest release of Chrome OS is version 126 Google is testing version 128 in developer channels.