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The Season 2 Reloaded news of Call of duty has released another sought after operator skin called Hunger Pains skin.In this article you will learn how to unlock the Hunger Pains skin in Warzone and MW3 below:
How to get the Hunger Pains skin in MW3 and Warzone
To unlock this prize players must acquire the the Waqyu weapon bundle and instant noodle bundle which can be bought from the store in MW3 Menu.By buying these bundles players can get a wide range of items and customization possibilities.
Players keen on adding this unique cosmetic to their in game collection have to make sure to get both bundle first.
Another potential hurdle players might face is limited availability of required bundles to unlock the Hunger Pains skins.Players who missed out chance to purchase these bundles during availability time may have to wait until they return to the in game store.
Process of unlocking the Hunger Pains skins is exciting players should be aware of issues to enhance unlocking experience further.One of the primary concerns for players is expense of acquiring both the Wagyu Weapon Bundle and Instant Noodles Bundle.
These packages include a cosmetic good and in game upgrades they come at heavy price.
With the weapon blueprints on the battlefields both the Insta Noods Bundle and Wagyu Weapon Bundle offer customization options and skins to increase their gameplay experience.