fesco bill online march 2024
Are you searching for fesco bill for March? You have come to right place. At fescobilling.pk you can check your FESCO Online bill easily without money.
For mepco bills visit the checkmepcobill.pk.
Enter 14 digit reference number in above form to check or download the duplicate copy of your PITC bill.
How to Check FESCO Bill Paid or Not
fescobilling.pk provides you latest feature to check your bill payment status of last one year.
Visit the Fesco Bill History to get your lats one year bill information.
This includes the data of due amount on your bill, amount paid or not and units of consumption for each month.
Check fesco old bills and payment status.
FESCO Bill SMS Service
If want to get your Wapda electricity bill as SMS. Just Type pitc <space> 14 digit reference number and send it to 8334.
FESCO Email Service
fescobilling.pk provides you feature of getting the fesco electricity bill in your email inbox.
This feature help you to save your bill for later use. FESCO Monthly Bill Subscription is getting the WAPDA bill as email every month.
Enter your reference number, email and select bill type to receive your bill copy in your inbox.