Does ChatGPT have privacy issues?Does ChatGPT record your convesation? Who can see my ChatGPT Data? What Information Does ChatGPT Store?

ChatGPT can create a miracle. But you must be aware when you know how much private information it collects from you. ChatGPT and OpenAI have received lot of criticism from privacy experts, user and governments who are very keen about its data retention policies.ChatGPT privacy policy tells us every detail about its data retention habits. It collect its information from three ways:

Information that you type into chatbot itself.

Account information that you enter when you sign up or pay for a premium plan.

Identiying information from your device like your location and IP address.

Every site has taken the information when you make an account so it is not dangerous.Real danger start when it collect data from your conversation with ChatGPT.When you are using AI tool it is easy to give them information by mistakenly.

What Data Does ChatGPT store?

Your Device Information

ChatGPT store infromation from your device and browser.This include date, time, location and IP address.ChatGPT also collect data about your operating system and device name.OpenAI using cookies to track your browser activity.It claim to use the information for analytics and how you interact with ChatGPT.ChatGPT records and stores transcripts for your conversations.This mean any information you put into the chat like personal information is logged.

Your Account and Billing Information

Open AI stores your contact details, login credentials, transaction records and payment information.If you sign up a premium account.This information is basic and any website have such information to collect it from you.If you email the company it records your name, email address and your message.

Does ChatGPT record your conversation?

Yes ChatGPT records everything you type into it.According to its privacy policy when you use ChatGPT it gather personal information from your texts, feedback you provide and file you upload.This create a cybersecurity danger. It also states that your chat is reviewed by AI trainer to improve the train and chat system.So your data is used for advantage of OpenAI.

Open AI in April 2023 introduce a new feature to ChatGPT. This feature permit users to disable chat history easily via setting menu. Setting > Data Controls>Chat History & training.When chat history is disable after 30 days conversation are deleted permanently.Conversation are only reviewed when they need to be monitored for abuse.

Who can see My ChatGPT Data?

Your personal information is available to a huge number of people and entities.In its privacy policy OpenAI share data with

  • Other businesses
  • Affiliates
  • Legal entities
  • AI trainers
  • Vendors

OpenAI gives unobvious data about who shares your data with and for what reason.It provides your personal information to vendors to assist in meeting business desire and various functions.These providers include web hosting services, cloud services and IT providers.It may share your data with law enforcement agencies in order to protect other users, public or itself legal liability.OpenAI share data with other businesses like drug transactions, bankruptcy and reorganization.OpenAI also share your information with its affiliated too.

ChatGPT Safe or Not Final Verdict

ChatGPT collect a lot of data about you.Some of the information they get is pretty normal.But you need to take step to protect your data while using ChatGPT conversation.You need to remove any private data from your prompts before you hit submit.

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