We have king size bed because anything smaller would just be torture one member of the throuple open up on ‘House Hunters: Where Are They Now?”
During an episode of House Hunters: Where Are They Now? Brian Geli and Lori appeared on program and opened up that they are living in Colorado where they had searched for home on House Hunters years before.
The throuple featured on HGTV House Hunters in 202o struggling and still together.
Brian added “Yes we are still together and Colorado people now”
According to Lori when she Geli and Brian moved into neighborhood they were worried about what neighbors were going to think”
Street posted that property value is going down there is a throuple that moved into neighborhood. Geli said ” We make sure to say hi them big wave big smile and Brian added All three of us.
The trio desired to search new home that accomodate unique dynamic as well as provide space for Lori and Brian two children.