Taylor Swift fans surprised by awesome acto of kindness from singer’s dad at Melbourne concert

Seriously luck and how generous is Papa Swift. Fans at Taylor Swift Friday night concert at Melbourne MCG have reported act of kindness by the singers father.

An unknown mother of a Taylor Swift fan expressed she experienced an incredible moment as fans awaited the star arrival on stage.

A good news story out of the MCG. My friend and her daughter had cheap restricted seats from yesterday release and rocked up as soon as gates opened the woman expressed.

” Sat down and Taylor Swift dad went around and handed them wristbands and entry into VIP section apparently about $2000 in total value.

Seriously lucky and how generous and kind is Papa swift

” I asked if i could at least get her cheap seats since she got upgraded because I have almost sold my soul to get tix.

The post garnered over 9000 likes with Felgate writing

When Felgate posted the same message on Instagram followers flocked to comments section to express their delight.

This is the best feelgood story. Amazing.

While the news was unconfirmed various followers said similar things had happened at Taylor Swift concerts.

” Her parents have doing this for years”

He seem like best guy imagine being able to do this for people one person added

The reported sweet act comes amid very sour heart break for some fans who were scammed out of tickets hour just before the concert was due to start.

Melbourne mother Sarah had been looking forward to taking her daughters aged 10 and 13 to Friday concert however discovered she had inadvertently acquired stolen tickets.

The person who owned the tickets had their account hacked and tickets sold to 3rd party who on sold them Sarah added.

Swift fan sophie Le 33 had 4 concert ticket but she discovered on Thursday that her account had been hacked and her tickets sold.

The audience across 3 nights in Melbourne is expected to about 260,000 fans and Ticketek said it was working around the clock to assist people with ticket issues.

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