Hooter Girls submit Calendar Photos, Miss America Revved up for Daytona 500 & Jaromir Jagr 29 year old GF

Daytona International Speedway. That is two classes in a row from the bowels of the places on earth.

Who has it better than us? Nobody that is who can not think of a better way to spend a Monday taking the green flag for 66th Daytona 500.

Welcome a Monday Nightcaps, the one where I try to crank out a lesson plan before the start wrecking in Turn 1. Let us see how I do. Try to keep up.

We begin the day with some Hooter girls. It is the Dayton 500 and you can not talk about without mentioning Hooters it seem #calendarsubmissions we need to start keeping a running file.

Hooter girls are ready for Daytona 500 And the new calendar

We are not messing around today the longer we are here the more buzz i lose. Just kidding Drinking of course allowed during class.

Those who missed it I spoke to the Hooters girls over the weekend for Outkick exclusive behind the scenes ahead of the Daytona 500.

The Hooters NASCAR relationship started in 1991 when the owl found itself on Alan Kulwicki’s car for the final race of that season.

The Hooters came on full time next season.

Hooter is now with Nascar’s most famous Driver Chase Elliott Again surprising.

The girls are ready for some Daytona 500 racing today they also have eyes on next year calendar. True story.

It is the best time of year to submit your best stuff to the powers that be to try and get a chance to book a place in the framed calendar and we have got our first batch of submissions rolling in.

I will leave it up to you all to see who should move on to next round.

what channel is the daytona 500 on

The Daytona 500 race airs live on Fox and Fox Deportes at 1 pm PT/4 pm ET

who won the daytona 500

william byron won the daytona 500 2024