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Pastor and former dean at The Master Seminary Steve lawson had 5 year relationship with woman in her late 20 Phil Johnson an elder and pastor at John MacArthur Grace Community Church told in X post today.
Johnson told that woman is not member of Lawson church Trinity Bible Church of Dallas and lives in different state nowhere close to any of ministries Steve served.
Johnson stated that Lawson informed the elders at his church, Trinity Bible Church of Dallas about his inappropriate relationship but only after the girls father confronted Steve and threatened exposure.
Johnson added “This was not confession of sin”.
At a service last Sunday Trinity Elder Mark Becker addressed the scandal briefly but did not offer any detail about Lawson misconduct and discourage question.
The only questions that are important at this point concern us as church as local body and how we will move together forward from this”
steve lawson
Lawson served as teaching fellow and board member of Ligonier Ministries. Ligonier has not made public statement about Lawson but has removed him as fellow at ministry website.
Lawson messages and videos continue to be posted at Ligonier website.
steve lawson removed
The ministry Lawson founded One Passion Ministries released a statement adding that Lawson had confessed to board that has inappropriate relationship with lady a sin that has disqualified him from ministry.
TMS has made any public statement about Lawson.
Lawson had been removed from pastoral ministry had failed to be a one woman man and was permanently disqualified from ministry.
The email did not give any detail about Lawson misconduct or wether the lady was linked with TMS or TMU.
Johnson replied “Do stay if they were trying to cover or minimize the sin, you would have grounds to leave. But that is not their aim. They are doing the best they can impossible situation. Speak to them privately and individually before leaving over what they did or did not say publicly”
steven j lawson
Lead pastor Steven Lawson was removed indefinitely from all ministry activities at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas.
Lawson has been with church since 2018.
Church elders told they learned about inappropriate relationship between Lawson and a lady.
At least 10 pastor across North Texas has stepped down or been forced out since May due to inappropriate behavior or moral issues.
Gateway Church parted ways with its founder Robert Morris after admitted to inappropriate sexual behavior with 12 year old girl decades ago.
trinity bible church dallas
Trinity Bible Church of Dallas fired steven Lawson for inappropriate relationship with a woman.
Church elders made announcement on Thursday adding they became aware of relationship multiple days before.
steve lawson removed
“The elders have met with Steve and will continue to come alongside him and pray for him with goal of his personal repentance. steve will no longer be compensated by Trinity Bible Church of Dallas. the church adding in a statement.