Kuka says its augmented reality makes robots easier to start up

The mobile app displays tools and interference geometries to enable detection of potential hazards so users can reduce them before a robot starts.

Augmented Reality enables intuitive robot startup, It concert real and virtual worlds to enrich enviroment of the robotic cell with clear uncomplicated digital data.

User can correct and detect errors

Users can detect and correct errors quickly, which accelerates installation and increases safety. For example, the software can simulate robot motion with a virtual gripper.

To prevent damage to the robot or gripper, any potential collisions that show up in the AR environment can be prevented early in the real environment.

Kuka Mixed Reality makes robot installation more safe and friendly. This benefits consumers all level of experience in field of automation.

User can view the configuration parameter of spaces or tools. Interested parties can test the free application and download. The integrated demo mode enable function testing without a real robot.

The Kuka.Mixed Reality Assistant app graphically displays all variables directly on the robot in real time including Cartesian or monitoring spaces, tool spheres, safety oriented tools.

The software can used to simulate robot movement with a virtual gripper. If potential collision are detected in the AR enviroment they can be prevented at early stage in the real enviroment so neither robot nor gripper is damaged.

Kuka. Mixed Reality consist of the Kuka.MixedReality Assistant app and addition KUKA.MixedReality Safe technology package which is installed on robot controller.

Kuka. MixedReality is easy to set up and operate. User install free Kuka.MixedReality Assistant on tablet or smartphone via the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

All information about robot transmits directly to mobile end device via WLAN through a router or access point and displays visually on the mobile device.

No AR headset is required.. Install Kuka.MixedReality Safe technology package on the robot controller as a data source along with one of Kuka.SafeOperation technology packages to use with Safe functions.

The Kuka.MixeReality Assistant app graphically display all relevant variable directly on robot in real time including monitoring spaces or cartesian tool sphere and oriented tools.

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