Flogas Energy is the latest supplier to reduce its electricity and residential gas prices

Energy supplier Flogas Energy is reducing its electricity and residential gas prices. Standing charging for gas are to down by 10% however the electricity standing charge is to remain the same.

The company is reducing its variable rate for electricity by 15% and natural gas by 25%. The cuts will take effect from 25 march.

Standing charges for gas are to down by 10% however the electricity standing charge is to remain the same.

The energy firm fixed smart rate and variable smart rate tariffs will stay unchanged. Flogas has 70,000 customers for gas and electricity.

Natural gas consumers will save Euro35.73 a month or Euro 429 on the average annual bill.

According to the company the changes will result in saving s of Euro 22.88 a month or Euro 274 a year on the average rate electricity bill.

Flogas has 70,000 consumers for gas and electricity.

Flogas is the latest supplier to decrease what it charges its domestic consumers and level of the cuts its amongst the mega in recent months.

Flogas decreased its prices in November when it cut its electricity and gas prices by 30% each.

It follows a price falls by nearly all of the energy suppliers over the past weeks as wholesale costs continue to moderate.

Company energy prices stlll remain above where they were around 3 or 4 years ago before Covid and then the war in Ukrani wreaked havoc with energy prices.

The 24 hour urban unit rate will be 37.05 per Kwh from March 25. The natural gas rate will down to 11.24c per KWH.

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